This poem was written by my dear friend  blueeyed soul  and myself. It was an honour to write again with this very talented lady. She found the picture which is called 'Psyche opening the box of sleep' by John William Waterhouse

Only You Can Awaken These Feelings In Me a cowrite by Blueeyed Soul and Lastromantichero

 The ownership of the copywrite of the picture belongs to the site outlined


Only you can awaken these feelings in me
You alone can burgeon the fire that I feel
Only you can create this enthrallment I have
And you are the one love I had that was real

You alone can burgeon the fire that I feel
You alone know the  secrets this heart will hide
Only you stir the flames of passion in me
And you are the one in whom love abides

Only you can create this enthralment I have
And the soft silken  you has control of  my heart
Your exquisite beauty haunts all of my dreams
Then ensures that I wish we never would part

And you are the one love I had that was real
For you stood closer than all of my lovers
 you alone soothed away each  fear
Your heart   the one my  soul  uncovers


Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 828 times
Written on 2006-12-22 at 08:05

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Amanda K
a remarkable work. i did enjoy it to tell you the truth.


Zoya Zaidi
Lovely Lilibonelle, both of you have
produce, you two always blend so well,
can't tell one from the other!
(((Hugs Cindy and Mike both)))
Love, Zoya

Kathy Lockhart
this is a co-write with any indication of change of style thought or feeling. It is one heart that beats for two. It is unity of love and of the deep feeling of desire. It is beautiful.

Perfect seamless unity between the co-writers, delicate and ardent feeling, beautifully rhymed, almost perfect rhythm: wow, what a lilibonelle!!!
More! More!

Thank you dear Michael. You have incredible talent and it was truly my honor to co-write with you.
~Blue xox

The poem was very beautiful and the two of you were just the people to write it. Good job

~Aaron Rowe