Burdens of Life

Beds of stone
Blankets of fleece
Treatment of animals
From the police

Food of dogs
Shackles of steal
Feeling of love
I can't reveal

Tears of her
Cries of me
Light of lamps
I cannot see

Red of blood
Black of night
Lights of day
All with fright

Cold of snow
Warmth of sun
Burdens of life
Have just begun

Smiles of happy
Frowns of sad
Memories of things
I never had

People of dumb
People of smart
People of revenge
Without a heart

Screams of pain
Tears of joy
Disguise of anger
Is my decoy

Thoughts of regret
Tears of remorse
Life of bumps
Is so coarse

Lines of straight
Lines of bend
Death of life
Is the end

Poetry by Justin
Read 479 times
Written on 2006-12-25 at 15:14

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I really like this poem. It has a nice flow. And there is just something about it that I really like!