Alone. Christmas Day.

London, Christmas

Slow down everyone
you're moving too fast

Hell yeah. You know the feeling when you get a song made for yourself, and then never hear it again? The memory is so sweet, but you are loosing out on ever knowing if what u remember is actually the authentic thing or not! Bitter.

And when you know that you feel something for someone that you really dont want to loose, just to realise he is not the person you thought? Its not that he changed, its just that you never bothered to get to know him before you decided it was love in the air. I guess Cupid can put the arrow in the wrong butt sometimes, but damn it hurts just as much as if it was the real one.

Imagen life without all those things. Boring, right?

Words by chasandra
Read 294 times
Written on 2006-12-25 at 17:29

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