Making love in a moonlit swimming pool some erotic content, but gently so 

The Moonlit Pool by M.A.Meddings

In the moonlit pool 
You came
A siren in your swimsuit
swimming gracefully towards me
Unaware of the dangerous
Mood I was in
Teasingly flaunting your beauty
Pretentiously gasping as I
Took you  held you 
Until you surrendered to my lips
Then thrilled as I slipped the fragile zip
Of your swimsuit
A delicate act
Designed to attract your attention
And oh did I forget to mention
So that your glorious breasts
Like ripened melons
Did invite and incite
The warm caress of my mouth 
Is that what passion was about
Tender nipples
Washed by the ripples
Of our coition
A beautiful condition
In the moonlit pool





Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 742 times
Written on 2006-12-27 at 10:01

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Kathy Lockhart
yummy!! deliciously and tastefully delictable. siiiiiigh...

nothing like a moon lit dip...a skinny dip of course!
this one is truly hot.

Liza Daquini
You must have an incredible muse by your side!Everyday there's a beautiful piece from your heart on this site... I'm gonna send all the men I know in the world to your page!!!!Lots of love Liza

so sensuous and, michael, i bet the lady would really enjoy such an event :)
Lilly xxx

Super fly. Thats some sensual, sexual, wonderful stuff there.

this is definitely bookedmarked..very hot...great poem
You are extremely talented