The Black Bells of Dusk

Dare not ignore the bells in their prime!

For they watch over you in a sorrowful chime

Be brash, but be soft, and your head will be deaf

Your eyes cannot see what is slowly bereft

Each little jangle pounds deep to the dirt

Making your flesh spike up under your shirt

Hear them? See them? Feels like Bethlahem

Knocking your senses to life's frail hem

Dare not ignore the bells in their prime!!

They mimick the lush-hearted essence of time

Feel not how they guide out our rythem and beat?

Each bell knows to tell ten and three thousand feet

A sound only nature can limit and bend

An instrument played by the composing wind

To ring when we laugh and to rong when we die

To bellow a beast that populates the sky

Dare not ignore the bells in their prime!!!

Poetry by weirdzarun
Read 679 times
Written on 2006-12-27 at 10:07

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
This line gives me goosebumps:
"Making your flesh spike up under your shirt"

very original.

A moving and excellent poem.


I don't believe that I have never read anything from you before... wish I woke up sooner... You have a talent and I hope you never let it go... this is such a very powerful poem, Loved reading it -bookedmarked-