The Lost Nation

Hey don't beef on me
And I won't beef on you
If everyones beefing
Then whats there to do

So much damn violence
In the world today
Theres so much damn bullshit
That all these people say

Just be calm man
Please try to be quiet
All the shit you're saying
Is gonna cause a riot

Why can't we have peace
No more throwing fists
Why so much anger
Why's everyone pissed

So many troubles
That are never named
So many fucking pricks
Are so falsely famed

We have all the perverts
With fake ages sent
Snapping pictures of girls
Like old Larry Flint

There are racist fucks
Walking on black tops
No one even cares
Especially the cops

The whole fucking world
Is so egregious
Fuck Adam and Eve
For putting sin on us

This country is concerned
With these other places
They ship our young men
To these foreign bases

They finally come home
After fighting like foxes
The only problem is
They are laying in boxes

Thousands of men are dead
Over a thing called war
So many cursed families
Are asking what for

So talk to your friends
Start holding their hand
Because divided we'll fall
But united we'll stand

Lets all come together
To form a congregation
Every last person
Help save this lost nation

Poetry by Justin
Read 493 times
Written on 2006-12-27 at 16:15

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betsy Firefly
This could easily have been written in huge letters and become the new wish outside the White House!

A great 2007 endeavor. Let's all stay and agree here.