Inspired from a discussion with katherine lockhart in PMs about country music in general and a mutual liking for Waylon Jennings, Jessie Coulter Willie Nelson and the 'outlaw' movement in country music

My old Guitar Fine leather And Lace by M.A.Meddings

Give me my old guitar
Then listen to my love song
I am looking for blue eyes
Maybe crying in the rain
And once again my love
'I got my hands on the wheel
Of something so real'
Tender thoughts for you
And all the things you do
To make me happy 
Give me my old rocking chair
Let me rest awhile
In my old adobi Hacienda  
Listening to the Phyrigean
Scales of the Mexican guitar
La Golondrina
There is nothing cleaner
Than these overflowing feelings
Within my heart
They say it all
I will be there
Before the next teardrop falls
Given good grace
My old guitar Fine leather and lace

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 547 times
Written on 2006-12-30 at 09:21

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Kathy Lockhart
great fun! I am so glad you wrote this. Phyllis will love it too. Look out Freddy Fender; Michael Meddings is taking your place.