I was chatting to a lady about kissing and how tender kisses are the best of all. This poem is a result

Before I Kiss You tenderly by M.A.Meddings

I have this little picture of you
That rests so gently in my mind
In which you have tip tilted your chin
To proffer a kiss of the pouting kind
A kiss to tease a kiss to surprise
A kiss to warm the heart that is wise 
But the tenderest thing  about this kiss
Is the sweetest way you close your eyes
And a delight to see as I make you wait
before I Kiss you tenderly

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 986 times
Written on 2006-12-30 at 19:55

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Rob Graber
So much for the old notion that a gentleman NEVER makes a lady wait! This is marvelous, Mike.

Kathy Lockhart
lovely, just wonderfully, sweetly lovely!

as sweet as a kiss can be ... are your words offered to someone so tenderly ... and that kind of kiss stays in your mind for ever ..

gentle are your words and so vivid ...