In this text I tried to describe love for a woman in the prime of her beauty as tastefully as i could. The site shown owns copywrite to the pic and I thank them for its non comercial use

I Remember When by M.A.Meddings

I remember when your breasts
Were firm like ripened Melons
And your skin  a smooth silken sheath
For then I loved you as we wanted 
My words endearing did entreat
And  now your breasts are love bed flowers
They hang
Like  Gloire De Dijon roses  to invite my touch
And my words of Joy to thee employ
That in
The prime of your exquisite beauty 
I love you now just as much

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 674 times
Written on 2006-12-31 at 11:24

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This is so beautiful..ah, physical things may not be what they once were..but that person you have always loved is the same..excellent love and devotion put into this.

Phyllis J. Rhodes
This is the nicest thing anyone has evers said about boob slippage! from melons to dangling flowers. Thanks dear one, from now on I'll gather my bouquet rather than try harnessing my jelly fish!

Beautifully done... "love bed flowers" - hmmmm. Didnt the women break down your door yet to kiss you? :p

Love this Mike, like I said in PM, it made me realise that mature beauty is still beauty. Smiling at you, Tai

Kathy Lockhart
from mellons to dangling flowers. Never thought about the flower part. I like that. Why can't it be the other way around like in plant life-- first you get the flower and then the fruit. Those young girls don't need those mellons. It just backwards. However your poem tastefully address the subject in a gentle and loving way.


Time and gravitation force exert their powers on us all, hero!
In any case, a gentle and nice hero poem!