I left my love a letter in the hollow of a tree

A Would Be Yankee raider by M.A.Meddings

She has a pretty retrousse nose
The one that I love
Slightly turned up at the end
And with a little style
She knows how to beguile 
This foolish heart
Her often  exasperating
Yet frankly bewitching ways
Have filled all my days
With an electrifying
Sense defying
Full of sadness
When shes not here  
And elation
When she is near
A  beautiful coquetish minx 
Has caused this man to think
He sure would like to be
Her Yankee raider  


Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 634 times
Written on 2007-01-01 at 21:21

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
With a write like this, I sure would like to be her!!

Yankee Doodle Dandy Michael....
I just love when you ride into town!
~Blue xox

Kathy Lockhart
I bet she would faint into your arms and you would swoop her up and carry her off on your trusty stead into the sunset. Gettyup!

Read this earlier today mike and it made me smile, you are such a great love poet, even in a wild west style!lol Well done on the John Wayne love poem. (Another of my heros) Tai

betsy Firefly
This reminds me of my goold old horsebackriding days on the farm! I'll take this one as a lovesong to Spirit, my old Quarter Horse!