A man who makes his round trips.

The Night Rider

Three times the night rider dropped by the house
And thrice has he left us alone
A fourth without welcome, my conscious aroused
At sighting of the rancid gnome

I saw in his face such a lack of emotion
And boils too many to count
With steel in his eye and swift in his motion
The night rider swung to dismount

Oh, though I had tried, I could not but observe
As he picked up each bag by the knot
With unhuman strength, threw them up with a swerve
And rode off with to bury and rot

Poetry by weirdzarun
Read 733 times
Written on 2007-01-05 at 01:39

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Black Knight
Not bad. Really, not bad.
Well done.

Who ride in darkness and afar from light,
He is my friend, as well as any child of Night...


josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
dark! Wonderfully graphically dark. This piece is a gateway to all kinds of visions for the reader. Very well done.


Kathy Lockhart
Great stuff!!! I love it. It has the eeriness of Poe. Full of vivid images that gave me a quiver. ooooo I love the macabre.