Sometimes a metaphoric cold sets into your soul...Cooling of hearts can be colder than the coldest of winters...

This Winter is too Cold...

This winter is too cold for me
It freezes me to bone
My heart just melts with melancholy
While soul freezes with cold...

This winter is too cold for me
It freezes me to bone...

Your cooling is like the wintry frost
It descends on my soul
Chill sets into my spirit
Freezes it to core

This winter is too cold for me
It freezes me to core...

And I shiver like a leaf-
yellow-brown and sore
that the next gush of wind can
detach from its source:
Fearing death of soul...

This winter is too cold for me
It freezes up my soul...

When the ice of your heart
will thaw towards me?
When will the snow melt,
When will there be spring...

This winter is too cold for me
O, Will there be Spring?

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 925 times
Written on 2007-01-22 at 18:11

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A fine poem with images that wrap the reader in a cloak of admiration. It made me want to know more about the winters in India... and of course the underlying cause of the poem's theme. A captivating write, most certainly!

Amanda K
i love the metaphors here. when you are cold from outside clothes and fire can warm you but when you are feelin cold inside, will clothes or fire will work at that time? i doubt .admire your poem.


Mukul Dahal
Yea, too cold. As cold as death's hands. Beautifully written.

Beautifully written Zoya!
Wellcome the spring... for it will come...

when such a deep winter overwhelmes us, we MUST hope for spring! no matter how far away it may seem to be...
beautifully done, zoya! as always, my friend :)
Lilly xxxx