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Member since 2006-10-28
Has written 13 comments


My dream is to work as a developing musician and poet. I want to make poems in motion... I want to reach out, to move.. with my music... my poems...

My "right hand" is my beloved guitar Arabella, with whom I'm trying to bring new songs into the world.. Through whatever power surrounding us..
Her name is carefully picked, with inspiration from Italia... The country of my dreams wich I certainly will return to..

You are more than welcome to help me develop my writing of poems and my not splendid english. I will be very grateful!


Writing friends
Mukul Dahal
Zoya Zaidi
The Ocean of Life


40 years old from Sweden

MY TEXTS, Archive 6 Texts

The await (3) - 2007-01-22
Breaths (6) - 2006-11-06
There is Love (3) - 2006-11-01
Falling off the Edge (4) - 2006-11-01
The Straw (2) - 2006-10-28
Companion emerged (1) - 2006-10-28

"Every day you are given a moment with an opportunity to change everything which makes you unhappy"