Based upon simple observation. One of my darker works.

Weak Society

So obvious, so oblivious
Keep looking forward, but nevertheless
You are still consumed by emptiness
Hide your pain inside, you've become faceless

Now you have all lost your way
More so with each passing day
Just go 'round like everything's okay
Remain too fearful to dare say

This life they gave us is not enough
Stripped of truth, honor, life, and love
Beg of them to end your time
Sit alone and cry

Bite down on your bloody lip
You watch your step, but still you trip
Waste your time how you see fit
As long as you succumb and submit

Run around in place
Raise your hands to your face
To cover all the tears you taste
Don't make this life a waste

This life they gave us is not enough
Stripped of truth, honor, life, and love
Beg of them to end your time
We are all their slaves
and know not why

Lock weapons with your enemy

Witness just how strong you can be

This life they gave us is not enough

Stripped of truth, honor, life, and love

Beg of them to end your time

We are all their slaves

and don't know why

Fool all with your cheerful disguise

Live fast and kick-start your demise

You are blind with a pair of empty eyes

We are all their slaves
and don't know why

Poetry by Samantha Cramer
Read 612 times
Written on 2007-01-22 at 20:42

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