This is a poem that voices my assessment of the painting and  what it says to me see short resume The picture is from

Salvation and Damnation by M.A.Meddings the Wounded angel challenge

It seems to me that Simberg has captured base  aspects of human nature in the two boys carrying the stretcher. Whilst the Angel is the central figure and surmounts the golden section of the painting to me she represents the beauty of human love destroyed. I ask, destroyed by what? I see the answer in the  subdued rivalry of the two stretcher bearers.
Both are of different natures. The front bearer denotes in my mind a determined character whos eyes are fixed on the road ahead, head down and bent on getting the fallen love to safety. The other a proud upright figure who looks to  the  audience for his accolade. 'Look' says he 'what a stalwart figure I am, i am helping my love and will take what ever praise I can.

The lake and the mountain stream represents to my mind a future of purity and rejuvination a healing, a salvation for love embodied in the angel, but then I am a romantic.


Drawn to the task
Thy name be salvation
And loyalty
looking to the audience 
Thy name be damnation
And me! me! me!

Born between you 
The image of beauty
A fallen angel
Destroyed by the
Rivalry of two
Who would love thee

And beyond in the back ground  
The promise of freshness
In a mountain stream
Runnig down and away
To a new beginnig 

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 686 times
Written on 2007-01-26 at 11:24

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
A wonderful story told well, leaving me wanting more.

yes a very interesting interpretation ... and good ... the poem excellent ...

rgds kath

Kathy Lockhart
you have so much insight and the ability to translate that to others through your essays and poetry. This is brilliant.

betsy Firefly
What a lovely analasis of this painting and a mini-masrepiece of of a poem to go with it!

I understand why God hates pride. It leaves not one iota of room fro him. You've fully captured that here.

You know how parsimonious I am when it comes to using hyperbolic expressions, but... this text is simply outstanding, hero!
Thank you for a great contribution!

so nice one

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Excellent analysis!*bookmarked* I assume that it will be fun to go to the museum with you!!!Oh boy!We poets!For each painting we would write a poem and after leaving the museum we would publish a whole book*lol*

Great poem Mike!*applause*

beautiful analysis of the painting!!! i must admit i am in total awe because of the light in which you see things...
Lilly xxx