In today's world of material gains, where relationships are formed and broken at the drop of a hat, new kind of relationship's developing between people in cyber space, where people interact and exchange ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, from miles


The say, eyes are the mirrors of your soul,
A smile goes the farthest, deepest and is the cheapest,
You are recognized by your face,
Your personality is your visiting card,
Your attire is the statement of yourself,
Your diamonds and rubies indicate your wealth,
Your car, your house, determines your respect;

I say, all this is Tosh!

I say your words are the mirror of your soul!

Your speech the expression of yourself,
Your words go farthest, deepest, and cost nothing!
Your speech can reach the depth of souls,
Your words can tear or mend a heart,
Your speech can melt the hardest of spirit,
Words can become your visiting card.

Words uttered by you, one by one
slowly and gradually build your personality
in the mind of the listener,
The soft feather of your speech,
Nestles close into a heart,

The caressing sound of written word
Can make a heart fly high in the sky,
The lilting melody off your pen
can make one dance and whirl around,

The saga of your life reflects
In your words with sure effect...

Words clothe your thoughts and dress them up,
in brocade, crepe de sheen, velvet...
Or, a rough and coarse blanket,
Or, a soft and warm coverlet...

Your speech can carve
diamonds and rubies of your thoughts....

I haven't seen you,
I haven't heard your voice,
I don't know how you look when you smile!
I don't know the fashion of clothes you wear,
The feather that you have in your cap,

But, I know you are beautiful!
I know you are charming,
I know you have a beautiful heart,
I know you are sophisticated,
Your soul is the mirror of your heart,

I know you are intelligent,
I know you are wise, responsible, diligent,
I know you have a heart of gold,
I can sketch your personality too...

The gems and pearls of your tongue
are treasured in my heart...

I have felt your human touch!
And you have touched my heart!
You reside deep in the recesses of my soul...

You are rich with wealth of knowledge,
Creativity and intellect,
You may not own a car...

I know you are passionate,
I know you are caring,
I know that from the very start...

You have my respect, my reverence, my love!

Because, I have access to your soul,
Your heart, your mind, your thoughts,
Your inner self.
I know you through your words
I know you through your speech,
Through your poems, through your mind...

Because, you have the power of words at your disposal.
And with that power you have etched
Your image in my heart...

You are my friend in the cyber world.

I have a piece of your heart,
I have the key to your mind,
I have access to your soul,

All because, I have access to your words!

Do, I need to see you?
Do I need to meet you,
Do I need to touch you,

To make sure you are real!

I don't think so...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India,
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Calihraphy of Urdu couplet by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1829 times
Written on 2007-01-29 at 18:29

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Awenlimobor Sylvester
nice poem


words are threacherous combinations of letters sound that never lets the truth sleep still in peace

David L Wright
Thoughtfully composed. Makes one wonder about our forebearers who lacked the ability to speak. A timely topic in these days of keyboards and cyber space. Happy trails neighbor.

Rob Taylor
There are two universes..."reality" and "cyber". Which is real and what is our fantasy....we'll never know.

Liza Daquini
Thank you for your talented ways with words!And your message couldn't be more true!Love and light from a cyberspacefriend

Kathy Lockhart
Marvelous creation of the truth of who we are and how we connect through our words through the Internet. These relationships are real and can be come very strong, often binding hearts and souls together for eternity.

Zoya Zaidi
My dear Kath, I am talking about those who are genuine people. Those who are not, give themselves away in their words themselves. True, sometimes you are taken for a ride in thinking them to be true and honest but they soon expose themselves by their very words... So, even the dishonesty comes out in the words...
I always give a person the benefit of doubt and take them for their word- what if they are right? And my motto is to trust people until and unless they prove themselves to be unworthy of my trust. Once they prove themselves to be dishonest then I have nothing to do with them because I cannot function with doubt in my mind... I am a simple person, straight forward and honest to myself and with people I come in contact with; and I do not know the cunning of the two-faced or dubious characters, there fore I do not know how to handle them and thus stay clear off them... That is how I am made and that is how I am comfortable in life... Lol!
(((Hugs for the nice comment)))
Love, Zoya

Zoya your poem is excellent in every tiny detail and flows through my heart

I do relate to it .... trust me ...!!

But still it there is the fact that some people that are not so beautiful on the inside manage to make the most beautiful sentences I would never trust a person just for the words they write and speak ... I need to see them in communcation with others ... see the whole picture ...

And still I belive in the persons I choose to communicate with here on the bay ... but say we decided to meet and it world be a two person meet I would definitely take my time checking that person ...

But Zoya it is a beautiful meaning in your words and your write is superbe...

Hugs, kath

Lovely piece my dear zoya!!!!thank you for sharing this!!!kissess

Zoya Zaidi
Dear Zach,
Ghalib's couplet is probably the greatest couplet in his entire anthology and therefore in Urdu poetry, but this poem, is inspired by the friends in cyber space, the couplet (calligraphy done in 2000) is added as an after thought which came to me only yesterday, while this poem was written in march somewhere last year. I just combined the two. Lol!
((Hugs for the nice comment)))
Love, Zoya

Zachary P. B.
ghalib's couplet must have been amazing to have inspired such thought and art, i want to read that now.

good job.


This is so very beautifully written... I read it out loud.. tasted your thoughts, every word.. And I felt a nice breeze flowing through my spine. You spoke right into my heart... Thank u Zoya!!!

Dan Cederholm

Perfect and well done dear Zoya!!!

Vell done I love this poem!!!

All the best, Dan


Christian Lanciai
Very true. Sincere compliments. Bookmarked.

zoya, my so darling friend, this is a masterpiece!!! a pure work of art!!! without the smallest doubt, BOOKMARKED!
Lilly xxxxxx

Zoya Zaidi
Yes, dear Betsy, the calligraphy is mine. It's of a couplet by Ghalib, famous Urdu poet, which says how words and pictures have there essence in paper... It is the first couplet of his anthology, and reams and reams have been written on this one couplet, yet no one can truly interpret the real meaning of this amazing couplet.
(((Hugs for the nice comment)))
Love, Zoya

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
*storm of applause*Excellent!Thank you Zoya for this poem!I thank you from the bottom of my heart!This poem is needed here on poetbay specially today!Thank you!I hope, wish that all poets and poetess here on poetbay will get the chance or find the time to read the words of wisdom in this poem and contemplate. . .

betsy Firefly
Interesting thought, Zoya!

But think of the many that deceive by their words, especially small children....

Beautiful artwork! Is it yours?
