It's about the deceit and offence.


A prey to deception,
I'm dying with dejection.
I'm cruelly stabbed ,
By foes in guise of friends.
My heart is aching,
With the dagger stuck deep.
Sufferings want an outlet,
Not allowed by lips.
I'm stung by breaths,
As if close to death.
I can't even cry,
In the world where,
One's pains and tears,
Are the bliss to others,
Where one's distress,
Invites mocks and sneers.
I keep the grief hidden,
Forcing smile,groan within.
I'm choking back my sighs,
And holding tears in eyes.

Safi Yani

Poetry by Safi Yani
Read 227 times
Written on 2007-02-13 at 14:24

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