this is not the poem i wanted to share but... the original
one flew away, 'cos of love, still, no regret at all for i think
i wrote a much better piece...'cos of love, too!

The Poem I Wanted To Share

Yesterday I, after work, went straight home
Because there was a poem beaming
With hues of beautiful Saturday afternoon
That kept running through my head
Great! I've a poem to share
No bothering winter wind
No snow to melt before my crisp feet
What a perfect time to write
With a pen and block note in hand
I laid myself on a garden love-swing
Then, suddenly, you came joining me
With a pink smile on your face
You were very lovely and I fell in love, again
My breath, in haste, intertwined
In perfect harmony with yours
And, the poem flattered away, completely gone
I couldn't remember if it was sonnet or free verse
But, it doesn't really matter anymore
For you held me tight, kissing....and tingling
That I love it, making my day complete

Poetry by Ernesto P. Santiago
Read 645 times
Written on 2007-02-14 at 13:09

Tags Love 

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This poem holds such a deep truth, often artists contented in love lose the muse for a while, it happened to my dearly departed hubby in the first ten years together, the occasional scetch or drawing or sculpture in the landscape but nothing to really call him an artist, which is what he became professionally before his untimely death four years ago.

This is a great poem of pure love. Thank you for sharing it.

smiling at you

entirely contented
