I have cats. 4 cats, and I have come to realize that cats were worshipped once, and they have yet to forget it. Most peole with cats should recognise this.

Memories of a Pasha

She sits,
As still as if she was cast in marble.
Her eyes stare,
A challenge,
A command,

"Worship me,
Because I am a descendant of goddesses,
Worship me,
Because I am worthy of it.
Worship me,
Because I am superior to you."

Mouth twisted
In amused disdain,
One hand raised
In indolent authority,
"Bring me savouries, peasant,
I hunger.
Bring me fresh cream,
I thirst"

Eyes closed,
Languidly stretching in a sunbeam,
Accepting the accolade
Of the Golden Disc god,
As her due,
Bathing herself in the
Warmth of liquid gold.

A delicate yawn,
Worthy of her standing
As a Lady of the Court,
Then she falls asleep,
Purring loudly in contentment.

Poetry by Karen
Read 464 times
Written on 2007-02-15 at 20:28

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
Have you met my cats???? This is a wonder poem! You have cats covered perfectly in this. I have two whom I serve. One is an everlasting cat, she is about 18 years old. One is a money pit, a "fee" cat who ended up costing $500! Yes, you know cats!