It is a play.
Can Derric save the love of his life from Corn, his evil father?

To Have A Heart, Is The Very Worst Part, Of Being Human


Derric- The eldest son

Lily-Derric's fiancee

Corn-Derric's father

Eric-Derric's little brother

Mr. Whacker- Principal

The History Teacher-Self-Explanatory

Hailey-Lily's little sister

Willy-ice-cream parlor shopkeeper

Ben-Derric's friend

Harry-Derric's friend

Larry-Derric's friend

Steve- Corn's henchman

Joe-Corn's henchman

Children in History Class

Scene 1

The Mother was out. The fire was cackling back at it's admirer. The flames engulfed the bricks of the firewood in angry uproars. The fire, for now, was the only source of light. The admirer was the father. One of his two boys sat in the corner, being lit by one of the licks of the fire. He was playing with blocks and becoming quite bored with the amusement.

Corn-(Friendly) Eric. Come here, Eric. Daddy has something for you.

Eric-Glances up at his father inquisitively.

Corn-Come on. Come here. I've got a present for you.

Eric-(Stands up and looks around for Derric.) What is it?

Corn-'Tis a...surprise. Yes! A surprise to die for. Come here and I shall give it to you.

Eric-(Smiling. He liked presents, as do all children. He took a step towards his father, but stopped when he heard his brother's warning boom inside his head.) Where's Derric?

Corn-(Silently swearing his son and the warnings he had instilled into Eric's head.) Why is that of any importance, Eric? Look....Look at what I have for you. (Taking from his person a chocolate bar, laced with a carefully measured overdose of rat poison out of the pocket of his overcoat . More then enough, so it will be guaranteed to get the job done.) Chocolate.

Derric's voice- (A warning that thunders inside Eric's head but said aloud.) Don't eat ANYTHING that Dad gives you! Eric, you've got to listen to me on this! He will hurt you! I don't want to scare you, but you need to heed my warning. Alright? I don't want you to get hurt...

Eric-(However, like almost any child, he loved chocolate and he was at the age that was sure no one was evil enough to tap chocolate. Not even his father.) Thanks! (Going for the chocolate bar happily.)

Eric-(About to take a bite.)

CRACK! of door being broken and thrown opened.

Derric-(Frantically) Eric!

Eric freezes in his place, mouth still hanging opened.

Corn-(Mumbles) Damn him! (To Eric) What is the matter? Eat it! Do you not trust me?

Eric-(Shakes his head and drops the chocolate bar.)

Derric arrives in the room, and rushes over to Eric. He quickly makes sure he has not eaten any of the chocolate, then grabbed the bar off the floor, and threw it into the fireplace. The fire roared for more as it licked it's chops after consuming the morsel of food it had just been given.

Corn-(Enraged. Jumps to his feet and stomps over to Derric.) Damn you, you insolent little pain in my ass!

Derric- (Now scared for himself and his brother, pushed Eric behind him and started to slowly back up.)

Corn-( Following him closely and screaming down at him.) You foiled my plan again! Why must you always come to the aid of this sniveling little twirp?

Derric does not answer.

Corn-(Vexed) Answer me! I asked you a question and I expect an answer! (Corn swings a balled fist across Derric's face.)

Derric is knocked off his feet and he shoots backwards, landing merely inches from the blazing fire.

Derric moans as he swipes some blood off the top of his cheek.

Corn, showing no sympathy nor remorse for his action, stamps over to Derric. At the most, Corn is pleased.

Eric-(Desperately. Trying to get to his older brother.) Derric!

Corn- (Throwing Eric out of his way.) Leave him! (Continuing toward a recovering Derric.) Get up! I did not hit you that hard! You sniveling little brat! (Backing Derric up, closer to the roaring fire.) (Snarling) You want to feel pain, Derric? Do you? One of these days, I will just take a gun and shoot him! Right in front of you. That, Son, is pain! (Corn laughs at Derric's horrified expression.)

Now Corn had Derric backed up so far that the flames were breathing heavily enough on his back, that they stung.

Derric-(Terrified.) Please! Don't do this again! I won't tell Mom anything! Nothing about the drugs, the murders, your hate for us, nothing! Just don't try to hurt him!

Corn-(Humored.) Boy, you are so ignorant to this situation that it bears bringing to mind.

Derric was so far back that he tripped. Corn caught his shoulders and held him dangerously close to the fire.

Corn-'Tis not about the murders! 'Tis not about the drugs! I just know that as long as that brat is alive, you will keep your mouth shut! No. What this is really about, is that I do not want you. You two are cursed! You are a danger to society!

Derric-(Growling) No! You are!

Corn's head snapped up to an angle that caused his enraged hazel eyes to reflect the flames, making them appear to be being born in them, as well as the fireplace.

Corn-(Vexed) You little...

They hear the roar of Karen's car pulling up in the driveway.

Derric lets out a sigh of relief as Corn throws him away from the flames.

Eric runs over to Derric and hugs him.

Derric-(Rumpling Eric's hair.) It's okay, Buddy.

Corn-(Pointing a threatening finger at Derric.) You utter a word...(Glaring down at Eric.) You know.(Looking back to Derric.) And that goes for anyone else you feel the need to befriend...You hit your head on the coffee table, right?

Derric-(Nodding.) Yea...right.

Corn-Smart lad.

Corn watches as Derric exits to go clean up his wound. Eric follows closely, gripping the back of Derric's shirt.

Corn-Oh, and fix the door.

Derric mumbles something that cannot be heard and then exits the stage.

Corn-(Singing)Why I Hate...

Why do I hate my sons?
Why do I prefer guns,
To a romantic setting,
'Tis simply netting,
I have known love,
But I am able to rise above,
Such petty complication,
For the duration,
Of my long, prosperous life,
I do not need a wife,
I have had two,
And I can tell you, I would much rather do,
Pay the dough,
And go!

I am soon to live on my own,
I am prone,
To killing,
Anyone willing,
To get in my way,
Soon, my new day,
Is to dawn,
I shall look at everyone and yawn,
For I will be on top of the world,

My life has never curled,
To far from my own favor,
Except now!

The one I love,
The one I loved.

Hate encompasses my life,
Now, it shall be my wife,
So loyal,
So royal,
I shall be,
When it marries me,

Hate will never leave me!
Sure, I can love,
And I have oft seen the peace dove,

But like everything else,
I am determined to kill it!

Scene 2

Eight years later, Derric, Harry, Larry, and Ben are messing around on skateboards and bikes, yelling and being relatively obnoxious as they traveled down the road. As they pass a window to Willy's Ice-Cream Parlor, Derric happens to look in the huge bay window and sees who he could only describe as an angel.
Derric ditches his friends and goes inside, gravitating towards her.

Willy looks at him cautiously.

Willy-Hey, uh, can I help you?

Derric does not hear him. He has pinpointed this angel and that is all he sees.

Derric-(Painfully nervous and entranced by her presence.) Hi...

Lily-(Looking up, her large eyes shimmering, and smiling a smile that could melt Derric's heart.) Hi.

Derric-(Drawing a blank and playing the best card his frazzled mind could muster.) Ummm...Uh, nice book...I mean, that's a great book.

Lily-You've read it? (Asking as though she needed to know something about it if he had.)

Derric-Oh, yea! 'To be or not to be!' Right?

Lily-(Chuckling) No! That's Hamlet. This is Romeo and Juliet. You know, the famous balcony scene...

Derric-Oh, right! Right! Thinking: What is she talking about? Isn't Hamlet a breakfast side dish?

Lily-(Nodding) Yea.

Derric-Uh, is the ice-cream good?

Lily-(Enthusiastically) Excellent!

Derric-Well, if uh, you don't mind, could I sit here after I get

Lily-(Nodding) Absolutely!

Derric-(Sure he was nearing an actually elating death.) Great! Uh, I'm sorry, what is your name?


Derric-Lily...Beautiful name. It fits you...well, I mean, it seems to fit you.

Lily-Thanks.-And you are?

Derric-Thinking: Name you idiot! What the hell is your name? (Finally) D-Derric. My name is Derric. Thinking: That's it!-Right? Yea. That's me.

Lily-Hi, Derric. It's very nice to meet you.

Derric-(Smiling and chuckling nervously) Yea. You too.-Uh, I'm gonna go get that ice-cream now...Anything you recommend? Anything you want?

Lily-(Smiling and shaking her head.) Oh, no. I'm fine.-But anything here is good.

Derric-(Fidgety) Oh. Okay. (Walks over to the counter and absent-mindedly ordered a cup of chocolate ice-cream and rushed back over to the table.) Thinking: Don't screw this up, Derric.

Lily was seeming to be immersed in her book, but was really filling her gaze with Derric by peering over the rim of it.

Derric saw this and decided that he liked the way she looked at him. No one had ever looked at him like this before. It was an odd, intrigued look that Derric was happy to be the focus of.

Lily-(Closing the book as Derric pulled out a chair for himself across the table from her.) Hi.

Derric-(Sitting in the chair and adjusting his seat at the table, never severing the gaze he held on her.) Hey. So, uh, what school do you go to? I haven't see you around.-I wouldn't forget a beautiful face like yours.

Lily-(Blushing from the flattery.) Thanks. Uh, I go to Nerstock High. How about you?

Derric-(Pleasantly surprised.) Really? That's where I go. I'm really surprised I haven't seen you around.

Lily-Well, I just transferred. I was in a private school, but I didn't like it. People there were just to snooty. Public school...just feels freer. I think you get a better social education at a public school.

Derric-Thinking: Social Education?(Nodding because he didn't want to look stupid.)

Lily- How long have you lived in Nerstock?

Derric-All my life. How about you?

Lily-We moved here when I was five. I was born in Paris.

Derric drew a blank.


Derric-(As the comment clicked.) Oh. Really?-Did you like it there?

Lily-Well, I like it here much better. I still have family over there, so I know what it's like. We aren't in the city. We lived more in the country.

Derric-Oh. Cool. Ever seen the Eiffel Tower?

Lily-Twice. And the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Derric-Cool. Do you speak French?

Lily-Yea. Some.

Derric-You know more then I do. I barely get along with English!

Lily-Oh, no. You seem pretty fluent in that! Uh, Tu as de la glace qui tombe du menton.

Derric-(Absolutely lost) don't where glasses. Do you?

Lily-(Laughing)No, I said you have ice-cream running down your chin!

Lily handed him a napkin.

Derric-Right...Thanks. Sorry, the only thing I know about French is fries, toast, and kiss...(Encouraged by Lily's chuckle, Derric arches an eyebrow and speaks slyly.)Did I mention kiss? (Snickers.)

Lily-(Laughing and nodding.) Yes.

Derric-(Jokingly defensive.) What? That's a major credit to the French! They didn't have that, I woulda never heard of them!

Lily-(Correcting playfully.) Until you met me...

Derric-(Beaming.)Yea...Another good thing! If I'd have never heard of French kiss, the beautiful woman in front of me would have thought I was really really stupid and not spent another second talking to me...much less an entire ice-cream.

Lily-I wouldn't have thought you were really stupid. Just a tad geography impaired, that's all.

Derric-(Simpering and playing with his spoon.) Right. Like I said, hail the man who thought of French kiss!

Lily-(Chuckling and rolling his eyes.) Men! (Sarcastically.)Always take credit for inventing a good thing.

Derric-No. A woman could not have invented something that great!

Lily-How do you figure?

Derric stared blankly, trying to think of a quick chide, but had nothing.

Lily-(Proclaiming proudly.)I rest my case.

Derric found himself laughing and having a really good time.

Derric-Thinking: Crap! I like her!...I like her! Not good! She's smart, pretty, and has not slapped me yet. Not good! (Knowingly making a motion as though he had just remembered a previous engagement and jumping to his feet.) Oh, I gotta go! I am so sorry! I...uh...lost track of time...I've gotta go...(Derric goes to turn away, but his attraction to her gets the best of him.) But I would love to see you again. What's your phone number...and where's your locker?

Quickly and quite flattered, Lily wrote down the desired numbers on a napkin and hands it to Derric.

Lily- My locker is in five hall.

Derric-(Smiling gratefully) Thanks.

Lily-Any time.

Derric ran out of the ice-cream parlor and onto the street.

Derric fidgets nervously and paces as he tries to figure this out.

..But I Can't

I would love to be with her!
I could easily love her!
...But I can't!

I want so much to hold her,
And keep her safe and warm,
I'd love to be her number one,
...But I can't!

If I try,
She could die,
That would be worse,
Then having to watch her from afar,
Oh, but her allure...
I would love to love her!
But, Derric,
You can't!

Derric-(Angrily) Crap!

Derric stomps off stage.

Scene 3

Derric was laying on his bed, troubled by the event of the day.
Eric comes into the room and watches Derric for a moment prior to speaking.

Eric-What is with you?

Derric-(Grumbling) and what it hits you with.

Eric-(Somewhat sympathetically) Did you get slapped?

Derric-(Barely refraining from hitting Eric.) No! The problem is I didn't.

Eric-Huh...That's a first.

Derric-Eric, if I wasn't in such a good mood, I would smack you.

Eric studied Derric for a long moment. His older brother was looking up at the ceiling with a long face and slightly wavered breath.

Eric-(Confused.) You're happy?

Derric-Sort of. You know what? (Looking over at Eric.) I'm not really sure what I am. I should be thrilled...


Derric-(Snapping.) I'm not!


Derric-Well, I met this girl and I really like her! I hate it! She was beautiful, so I went over and started talking. She then held an interesting, quite informative conversation with me, while genuinely finding humor in my jokes, and to top it all off, she's smart and likes a dumb dude!



Eric-(Confused.) Uh, sorry, Der, I don't see the unfortunate part...for you. Her's is obvious, but yours, seems like you've got nothin' to loose!

Derric-But I do! I could hurt her! The closer I get to her, the better the chances are that something will happen to her. That's not what I want. Corn told me years ago. If I were to get close to someone, they would get hurt.

Eric-(Offering softly) Well, you got friends and Corn hasn't hurt them yet.

Derric-(Spat harshly.) I'm not close to them! They hang out with me. I don't really even like them. I don't want a friend I actually like. Corn knows that.

Eric-(Arches an eyebrow.) You don't like them?

Derric-(Getting aggravated at the wrong person.) Eric, go away. Please. You'll get it when you're older.

Eric-(Folding his arms across his chest, annoyed.) Der, you always say that when you don't want to talk to me any more.

Derric-(Flatly.) It's always true.


Derric-(In warning.) Eric...

Eric groans and slumps out of the room, leaving Derric alone in the dark room.

Scene 4

Six months later, Derric is walking down the hall of Nerstock High. He is, for once in his life, completely happy. He has what he wants and he is content to live this wonderful life for the rest of his existence.
Lily rushes up to Derric, throws her arms around his neck, pushes him against a locker and kisses him ravenously.

Lily-(Between kisses.) Thank you, thank you, Baby! I love you so, so, soooooo much!

Lily looks up at Derric and smiles.

Derric-(Surprised.) Huh? What? What'd I do so I can do it more often?

Lily shows him the red rose that she had found in her locker two periods before.

Derric smiles deviously and takes the rose from her.

Derric-(Twirling the rose through his fingers and studying it as though for the first time.) Looks like you've got yourself a secret admirer.-Did he leave a name?

Lily-(Batting her eyes at him.) No, but from what I hear, he's a real hottie!

Derric-Nah, no comparison.

Lily-To what?

Derric-To you.-Ya know what, I heard he still doesn't know how he was granted her love.

Lily-(Blushing and putting her head against his chest.) For him, it wasn't hard.

Derric laughs, cups her chin in his hand and brings her head up so he could kiss her.

Lily returns the gesture.

The History Teacher-Hey! Derric! Get your hands off her!

Derric looks to the side, sees who is talking, snickers, then moves his arms around, pulling Lily closer, and continues to kiss her.

The History Teacher comes over to the couple and pokes Derric.

The History Teacher-(Snobby) That, young man is a direct violation of the ban against PDA and I know you are aware of it!

Derric-(Rolls his eyes and speaks smartly.) What's the matter? Jealous? Sorry. She's mine.

Lily-Derric! (Looks to The History Teacher.) I'm very sorry. It won't happen again.

Derric- (Mumbles) This period.

Before The History Teacher can reprimand Derric for his slip, Lily grabs his hand and pulls him away.

Lily-(Shouting over Derric.) Sorry!

Lily looked at him with anger once they were far enough away from The History Teacher.

Derric-(Trying to settle her fury with lightheartedness.) Now, that is one dude who is stuck in the past! (He laughs as though a hint.)

Lily continued to glare at him.


Derric-(Hurt.) What? I can't kiss you?

Lily-(Correcting) No, Derric that's not it at all! I love when you kiss me. Just...when he asked you to stop, you should have!

Derric-(Aggravated.) Why? We were kissing! I wouldn't even have called that making out-until he annoyed me...


Derric-(Laughs a little, not being able to believe how cute she is!) Lil!

Finally, Lily caves and chuckles, then kisses him again.

Lily-(Heads toward her class.) Love you, Baby!

Derric-Dido! You rock.-Hey, we still hanging out?

Lily-Of course! (She waves behind her as she enters the class.)

Derric-God, I love you. (He deflates against a locker, not wanting to have to think of anything but Lily.)

Unfortunately, the bell rings and he has to go to class.

Scene 5

Only half the stage is lit.

Eric walked into Derric's room at just the right-uh, wrong time. He found his older brother in front of the mirror, on one knee, proposing to his reflection.
Seeing Eric behind him, Derric jumped to his feet.

Eric-Dude, what are you doing? I know you have a big ego but...

Derric-(Yelling over him.) I'm trying to think of my proposal!

Eric-(Arching an eyebrow.) To yourself?

Derric-No, dumb-ass! To Lily!

Eric-Oh...Why you callin me a dumb-ass?

Derric-Because you are.

Eric-Oh...Hey! I'm tellin Mom!

Derric-(Shrugs indifferently.) Go ahead. She'll agree with me.

Eric does not move, but folds his arms over his chest, irritated by his failed attempt at a threat.

Derric-But, I'm glad you're here. I need your help.

Eric-(Narrowing his eyes.) First, you're callin me names and now you want my help?

Derric-Yes. Get over here or I will hurt you.


Eric is quick to get next to Derric.

Derric-(Smiling.) Okay. Let me do a run-through of the proposal with you, cause as you just pointed out, doing it in front of the mirror isn't working.

Eric-(Shrugging.) Okay.

Derric-Excellent! You be Lily and...

Eric-(Demanding.) Wait what?

Derric- Well, if you were me, that would kind of defeats the purpose.

Eric makes a disgusted face.


Eric-You aren't gonna kiss me are you?

Derric-(Equally disgusted.) Uh, Hell no!

Eric-Okay, then I'm good!

Eric waits patiently.

The other side of the stage is lit, while the first half is dimmed.

Lily and Hailey are in Lily's room. Lily is on the bed while Hailey is slumped in the chair next to the bed.

Both girls are giggling and laughing.

Lily-No, but really, I love him.

Hailey-Oh, don't I know. He is almost all you talk about! "Oh, Derric and I did this," and "Derric and I did that!" (Groans) I feel like he's with us most of the time.

Lily-Well, I'm sorry. You don't understand yet, but when you meet the perfect'll know exactly what I am talking about!

Hailey-Can I talk about him as much as you talk about Derric?

Lily-Sure. I guess I kind of have to let you, right?

Hailey- (Smiles) Yup!

Lily-You know, I think he's going to ask me to marry him.

Hailey-Derric? Marry you?

Lily-Well, we have talked a lot about it...and I'd love to have his child!

Hailey-(Rolls her eyes.) Great! More Derrics!

Lily-We could have girls!

Hailey-(Throws her hands up.) More Lilys that's worse!

Lily laughs.

Lily-I'm not that bad, am I?

Hailey-More Lilys talking about more Derrics-yes!

Lily-(Rolls her eyes.) You'll understand someday.

Hailey moves to get up.

Hailey-(Grumbling.) That's what you always say!

Lily-I know. Someday you'll thank me.

Hailey-You always say that too and I don't ever recall needing-much less wanting to thank you.

Lily-Hailey, you're ten years old. I would hope you don't for at least four more years.

Hailey walks out.

Lily laughs and eyes the picture of her and Derric kissing on the beach standing on her night-table.

Why Do I Talk About Him...

I have never known such love and kindness,
I have never beheld such a tender kiss,
What we have is something everyone wants,
What a fairytale flaunts,
Love, compassion, and eyes for only me,
He defiantly holds the key,
To my heart,
I knew that from the start,
He is what makes me whole,
He supports me on every goal,
That I have ever had,
He is always glad,
To see me,
Around him, I feel that I can be,
Whatever I want to,
I can do,
Anything I need or want to,

I know that he will protect me,
And stand beside me,

And I know,
That even though,
We will grow,
We will always do so together,

That, is why I always talk about him,
That is why I love him so!

Scene 6

Derric has found Lily asleep on a towel in her back yard. Today is the day Derric has eagerly anticipated.

Derric gazes down at the angel before him and breathlessly takes in her beauty. Her soft, perky lips looked so inviting and he craved them. He has craved them all day and now, they lay right there in front of him.

Derric approaches Lily slowly and leans over her. His lips brush gently across her's.

Lily stirs, but does not awaken.

Derric's first thought is to let her sleep and to let himself enjoy her beauty and closeness, but he was too excited!

Derric-(Homing in closer to Lily's face, he whispers.) Happy Birthday, Lily.

When Derric kisses her this time, she follows after his lips when he brakes away. Derric lets her catch up to him and Lily returns his kiss.

Derric wraps his arms around her possessively and her arms slide up, around his neck.

Lily-(Smiling.) Hey, Baby. Why are you here so early? The party isn't for an hour...(Quickly.) Not that I mind!

Derric-Well, Hun, to be perfectly honest, I just needed to see you. My heart ached and you seemed to be the only cure. (Smiling sort of stupidly.)

Lily blushes at his joke.

It flatters her but she isn't quite sure why. Perhaps it is because his statement was true for her as well.

Derric-(Referring to the grass beneath her.) What's with the camping?

Lily-(Jokingly dramatic.) Oh, just getting some beauty rest!

Derric-You don't need it! Get to much of that and one of the Gods will take you away from me! (Derric laughs.)

Lily-(Reddens and smiles.)Oh, I'm the one who should worry! You're the hottest guy I've ever seen!

Derric-(Challenging.) Better then in Hollywood?

Lily threw her head back and laughed.

Lily-Hollywood? No one there holds a candle to you!

Derric snorted a laugh and then gave her a childish grin.

Derric-(Arching an eyebrow.) Do you know how many girls would disagree with you on that?

Lily-(Almost daring Derric to argue.) Well, I'm the only one who needs to agree.

Derric-Oh, and that reminds me, your present!

Derric doesn't actually need reminding, in fact he can't get the thought out of his head, but it seems like a good starter.

Lily-(Excitedly.) A present? For me?

Derric-Well, I couldn't have my girl turn fifteen and not commemorate it somehow, could I? Come on! You know me better then that.

Derric looks around. Lily's backyard was not the most romantic place, but he supposed it would have to do.

Surprisingly, Derric was very nervous. He wanted to make sure he did this right.

Derric looked at Lily and he now knew that it was a lot easier to propose to Eric then it was to propose to Lily.

Derric-Uh, Lil? Thinking: Don't screw this up!

Lily-(Looks upon Derric skeptically, with an amused smile playing at her glamorous lips.) Yea?

Derric-(Without thinking.) Uh, could you pretend to be Eric for a minute...

Lily-(Laughs.) What? Pretend to be Eric...

Derric-(Quickly) Nothing...Never mind!

Lily-(Sensing his distress, offers.) If it would be easier...

Derric- No...No! I'm good. You be you. Just...stay the way you are, Honey, you're beautiful...

Derric takes a long breath.

Lily-(Concerned.) Derric, are you alright?

Lily placed a hand on Derric's cheek and look him square in the eye.

Sighing, Lily smiles, welcoming any sort of venting or complaint Derric might have to voice.

Derric nodded and clasped her hand in both of his, bringing it around so he could see it. His fingers played with hers as he looked upon and studied her soft, fragile, pronounced hand.

Derric-(After taking a deep breath.) Uh, at one time, I thought I could...Oh, I'm horrible at this!

Derric groans, aggravated.

Lily-(Encouragingly.) No! Baby, you're doing fine...(Unsure of what he was doing, adds) I guess.

Derric-Okay...At one time, I thought I could live on my own. I didn't think I needed anyone-I didn't want anyone to disrupt the unsteady balance I call a life...(Derric swallows hard.) Then I, by some miracle, had the pleasure of meeting you. You have changed my entire outlook on...everything, Lily! (Derric's confidence builds.)You have enhanced my life so much that sometimes I wonder if it is the same life I was living. Thanks to you, I wake up every morning and actually want to live it...You've forced me to be alive. With you, I have experienced a whole new aspect of life and people. You have freed me!(Derric looks around and then comes back to Lily's face, which is blushing from the complements.) Anyway, I've come to this wonderful conclusion that...I need you!

Lily-(Smiling gratefully) I need you too, Derric.

Derric-...And with that said...(Derric breaths deeply.) I would like to ask you to grant me the honor of becoming my wife.

It takes a moment for the proposal to settle and it was in that time that Derric finds he is missing the ring.

Derric-(Frantic and nervous.) Wait! Don't say anything yet!

Derric stands up and fumbles around in his pocket until he finds the tiny box. Derric goes to kneel and the audience hears his shorts rip.


Lily laughs.

After a moment, Derric joins her.

Derric-(Demanding.) Why can't anything go right?

Lily- Hey, your main goal is to get me to say yes, right?

Derric-(Eying Lily strangely.) Yea...

Derric opens the box.

As her gaze falls into the box and she gasps.

Lily-(Reading the inscription on the inside of the ring.) Lily, I will love you forever. (Looks up at Derric with tears in her eyes.) Oh, Derric, I love you too! Of course I will marry you.

Lily embraces Derric.

Derric laughs and put his one arm across her back.

When Lily looks up at him she is smiling, but tears stream down her face.

Derric-(Surprised by the tears.) You alright?

Lily-Yes, Derric. I don't think I've ever been happier.

Derric-Me neither!

Derric goes to place the ring on her finger.

Lily- (Picking up the opposite hand he was going for.) Uh, Der?

Derric-Right. The left one. I knew that...

(Derric picks up opposite hand.)

Lily chuckles.

Once the ring is slipped on her finger, fitting like a glove, she admires it, then embraces him, and kisses him.

Derric-(Sings after they brake apart.)
"I Do"

I've waited all my life,
For a love like yours and to call you my wife,
To have and to hold,
I know you fit the mold,
The key that fits perfectly into my heart,
The assurance that we will never grow apart,
Through thick and thin,
No matter what, we both win,
There's no doubt in my mind,
No second thoughts of any kind,
That I love you,
And knowing that, I say, "I do."

I've always wanted to find my prince,
He has no idea he is dropping me hints,
And all his hints, I adore,
I've never felt anything like this before,
His warm, comforting touch,
I trust in him so very much,
I need him more then he could know,
I will never let him go,
Through good times and bad,
When I'm happy and when I'm sad,
He'll always be there,
Through all the hardships that we bear,
I know he'll never back down,
And will pick up every pound,
That I can not,
We've already been through a lot,
Our relationship can never be misconstrued,
And with that sureness, I say, "I do."

Derric and Lily-(Singing)

And now that we are one,
Here comes all the fun,
Of our Holy Matrimony,
Proving our relationship was never phoney,
We are reborn as of now,
And when seen by the eyes of God, our heads bow,
With His blessing, both of us are starting anew,
And all that had to cross our lips was, "I do."

Scene 7

Corn, Steve, and Joe are sitting in Corn's lavish, five-star, full bathroom, full bedroom, top floor hotel room. Steve is relaxing in a chair and Joe is equally comfortable laying against the headboard on one of the three beds, while Corn paces back and forth, clearly aggravated.

Steve-Waza matter, Mr. C?

Corn-(Curtly) Derric!

Steve-(Concerned) Whad E do?

Corn-(After pressing the joint to his lips and taking a long, calming puff.) He is to be married to that girl. Lily.

Steve-(Shrugging) So?

Corn-(While massaging his temple.) Derric loves her, you imbecile.

Steve-Uh, sorry, Sir, I's don get it. Wut ya care? So...E gits married. And?

Corn-(Rolling his eyes) He will be happy. (Screaming) He cannot be happy!(Calmed) If he is happy, then all of my work will be undone. Everything that I have strived so hard to accomplish will vanish like writing in the sand!-All of it will disappear. I cannot have that.

Steve-(Indifferent) Den kill 'em if it boders ya so much!

Corn-No! That would ultimately have the same effect. I cannot just...kill him. I could have done that years ago!

Joe-(Wrongfully out of place) No you couldn't. Remember? He always got away.

Corn is lethally angered and he glowers at Joe while he steps heatedly toward him. Corn reaches into his overcoat and takes from his person a Luger handgun. Corn points the weapon at Joe's head, pressing the barrel into his forehead.
Joe stares at the gun with crossed-eyes and a heightened breath.

Corn-(Growling) Perhaps, I may be able to jog your memory!

Joe-(Shuddering in terror and tripping over his words) Please...Sir! Sir! I didn't...You made all the calls sure...He...He's not as strong as you...Never outsmarted...

Corn-(Laughs) Shut up! You bumbling ass!

Corn pulls the gun away from Joe's head and turns to face Steve.

Corn-You see, I need something that will almost kill him.-Not physically, but something that will scar him and torture his mind forever. If I were simply to go up to him and...

Corn turns sharply, points the Luger at Joe and shoots him in the head.

Steve jumps, but Corn continues to make his point evenly and untouched.

Corn-Then the fun would be over. I would be right back where I started. My son would be dead and I would have to endure unending boredom for the duration of my life. You must understand that Derric still believes death is the worst thing. I want him to realize that death is a pleasure that he is not yet worthy of. No. When death and murder encompasses your life, and your heart continues to beat, that is far worse then the pierce of any bullet.


Corn smiles, replaces the handgun in his overcoat and then takes out his cell.

Flipping it open, Corn depresses a button, and then puts it to his ear.

Corn-(Speaking into the phone.) Spill, isle seven. (Corn looks over to the dead body sprawled out on the bed.) And...bring a mop.

Scene 8

Eric is watching tv. Derric walks into the living room and plops on the couch.

Derric-(Looking to Eric.) Pass me the remote!

Derric stretches out his hand and motions for Eric to throw it.

Eric picks up the remote and starts to flip through the channels.

Derric-Eric, stop here!

Ignoring Derric for spite, Eric flips the channel.

Derric-Eric! Flip it back!

Derric rises to his feet.

Eric-No! I want to go to the movies! Lily said we could go!

Derric-Not today! Tomorrow...maybe, but not today.

Derric goes for the controller but Eric snatches it away.

Eric-Come on, Derric! You don't have to watch the stupid game today! You can tape it!

Derric-(Annoyed) Eric! I've got money on this game!

Derric goes for the controller.

Eric laughs at Derric's attempts at trying to retrieve the device. Derric grabbed his hand and pulls it down, but Eric switches.

After fighting for a moment, the remote flies from Eric's hand onto the floor.

Both boys dive for it.

They fight and wrestle around for the controller.

There is a knock at the back door.

Both Eric and Derric stop.

There is a second knock.

Derric grumbles under his breath.

Derric gets up and goes to answer it.

Happy for the distraction, Eric turns up the volume on the tv and flips to a channel he prefers.

Derric opens the door and peers out.

There is no one there.

Derric-(Calling) Hello?

Within a sweep of Derric's yard, he notices a figure, barely moving, but trying to sit up. Without getting very far at all, the figure falls back to the ground and groaned in frustration and pain.

Derric jumps off his porch and runs toward what he is sure is a person. All the while, he pray the figure isn't who he thinks it is.


Derric gasps as he falls to his knees beside her. Derric brings Lily up, and cradles her in his arms.

Derric-(Screams as he shakes her lightly in an attempt to wake her) Lilly! Wake up!

Lily's head limply falls against his shoulder.

Derric-(Cries out desperately) Help! Somebody help me!

Derric's hand lifted up her chin and stared at her.

Lily's clothes are stretched and dirty. Dirt is smeared lightly across her cheek and her hair, which is usually a brilliant chocolate color is messed and tousled. Her right eye is black and blood spreads across her lips from a cuts. Her glowing skin is ghastly pale.

Lily moans and opens her eyes half-way.

Lily-(Whimpering) Derric...I was poisoned...He made sure..."A faded breath swallows up the rest of her words and her eyes start to close.

Derric-(Panicked and stern) Lily! Stay with me!

Lily stirs and her eyes open.

Derric-(Although he knows the answer.) Who did this, Lil?

Lily absently shakes her head.

Lily-(Weakly) I'm sorry...I don't...

Derric-(Quickly) No, Baby. Don't be. It's okay.

Derric gently rocks Lily back and forth and turns back towards the house.

Derric-Eric! ERIC! Call 911! Eric get out here!

When there is no answer, Derric looks back at Lily.
Derric-I'm gonna go get help.

Lily clings to Derric desperately.

Lily-(Crying) Please don't leave me!

Derric quickly reconsiders the move. Derric's arm comes protectively across her back and he hugs her into him.

Derric-Calm down. It's okay. I'm not going to leave you. (Screams in a loud, scared voice that was foreign to him) Eric, get out here!

Lily sniffles and whimpers.

Lily-(Scared) Der...

Derric-(Looking down at Lily with tenderness) Yea?

Lily-(Between gasping breaths.) He mentioned you...He knows who you are.

Derric-He did? (Loathing singes at the very depths of his soul.)

Lily nods weakly.

Back door opens and Eric appears in doorway.

Eric-(Annoyed) What do you...(Seeing the scene and becoming concerned.) Derric?!

Derric turns sharply.

Derric-Call the police!

Eric-What happ...

Derric-(Flustered and aggravated.) Now, dammit!

Eric disappears inside the house.

Derric turns back to Lily.

Derric-You're gonna be alright. Just hang in there.

Lily-(Gasps through her hastily waning breath) I'm scared, Derric.

Derric-(In spite of the lack of faith he holds for the words) There's nothing to be afraid of, Lil.

Lily-I'm afraid of death.

Derric's stomach turned at the thought of her dying and the reality of her state.

Derric-(Speaking softly and barely managing the line between optimism and mockery.) Don't even think about that! Your not going anywhere! You can't! We have plans, remember?

Lily slowly forces her head to nod.

Lily has run low on the energy she needs. Her eyes droops and her head sagged against Derric's shoulder.

Alarmed, Derric shakes Lily's shoulder lightly.

Derric-(Commanding sternly) Lily, look at me!"

After a long moment of Lily not responding and a major amount of effort, Lily's head raises and her eyes met his.

Derric-(Still trying to be optimistic) Lily, you have to stay with me! Remember, we're gonna get married! We're gonna get a nice little house and maybe a family dog, Then, we're going to have kids and...

Lily-(Smiling and forcing her fading voice to speak) Do...Do you think I could be a good mom, Derric?

Derric-(Smiling to hide his fear) Oh, you'll be the best! I have no doubt!

Lily beams back at Derric as though thanking him.

Derric-Then, when the kids go to college, we'll be free to grow old together and spend the rest of our days helping one find the other's teeth...

Lily lets out a small chuckle, defying her lack of breath.

Lily-Derric,(A tear slides down her cheek.) I love you so much.

With that said, Lily draws a quivering breath and closes her eyes.

Derric-(Alarmed) Lily!

Lily opens her eyes again.

Derric-(Soft and earnest) I know I've never said this aloud before, but, I love you more then you could ever know.
Lily's shaking hand comes up and she gently placed it on Derric's cheek.

Derric lay his hand over her's, shifts it over his lips and kisses the palm of her hand gingerly.

Lily's smile brightens, but then her eyes close and the small amount of pressure her hand pressed upon his lips releases.

Lily's hand went limp and her body pressed heavily against him.

Derric-(With a shaking voice) Lil? Lily! He yelled,

Derric shakes her shoulder again. "

Derric-(Frantically) Lily, look at me!"

Lily's eyes made no motion.

Derrric-(Terrified) No...No...Please, no...!

With shaking hands and a pounding heart of fear, Derric checked Lily's breath, pulse, and heart hoping to find some evidence that she was alive, no matter how minuscule. To his dismay and sheer terror, all signs of life were forever stagnant.

Stage dims and a spotlight is showered on Derric



Sometimes I think,
If I'd never had a link,
Or a hope,
I would never have to cope,
With losing it,
At one time, everything fit,
My life and my love,
Seemed to rise above,
Any expectation,
Which I'd share relation,
But now that union is sundered,
And I know I've blundered,
I can't go back,
All I need is what I lack,
I had everything,
Now, nothing.

My broken heart still beats,
My guilty conscience eats,
Away at what is left,
All that was deft,
All that was me,
Died with the key,
That founded the person I was,
The person I was meant to be,

If only I could escape this corpse,
The one that jeers and warps,
My tortured mind,
Forcing thoughts that do not bind,
Me from the reality,
It reminds me of it's formality,
Every second, moment, minute, day,
So that I cannot put the matter at bay,

I once had everything,
Now, I have nothing,
And I don't want anything,
Except what I can no longer have.

Scene 9

Derric sat in the back of his History class, probably still drunk from the night prior, wishing the tortuous drone of the teacher would kill him. Since Lily's death, he had wished a lot would kill him, but thus far, and to his dismay nothing had.

The History Teacher-And so, class! What do you think is the worst form of torture used by the Puritans?-Anyone?

The History teacher's eyes lay on Derric.

Derric-Thinking: Crap!

The History Teacher-Derric! I haven't heard from you today. Which one do you think?

Derric-(Trying to be respectful) I prefer not to comment...Sir.

The History Teacher snickers, taking Derric's words in a smart, insolent way.

The History Teacher-You do not have an opinion, Derric? That's unlikely.

Derric-(Sighing) I do. In fact, I could tell you from first hand experience, but I disincline.

The History Teacher-Why? Enlighten us, please. You've peaked my curiosity.

Derric-(Testily) I don't want to.

The History Teacher-You will lose the fraction of participation you have managed to salvage throughout the year.

Derric-(Shrugging) Take it.

The History Teacher shakes his head and goes for his grade book.

The History Teacher -Derric, with that attitude, you are not going to excel at all in your life.-And you were doing so well! I should have known it would not last.

Derric barks a humorless laugh.

Derric-(Spatting) It isn't like I have any incentive!

The History Teacher glares at him, as though appalled at Derric's comment.

The History Teacher-(Demands) Excuse me?

Derric-(Growls in anger and hisses) You know what, I do have an answer for you! You know what I know to be the worst form of torture that the puritans, or anyone could have sentenced to them? Being banished from your family. Yup. That is the worst, most inhumane form of torture!"

The History Teacher-And you have experienced this?"

Derric lets lose a long, vexed, groan.


The History Teacher- You still live with your mother, correct?"

Derric-(Curtly) Yes.

The History Teacher- Then, what family could you possibly be barred from?"

Derric-(Simply) The love of my life!

Derric loses the temper that he had barely been bridling for a week and thrashes out of his seat.

Derric-(Screaming) Except, my crime was being born! That was what I did and a person took them from me, however a person did not sentence me! No! I am 'barred' from her by death! I would rather die then have her get hurt, but guess what? I'm still here!


Derric kicked his desk, toppling it over, stomps toward the door, and slams it shut behind him.

Mr. Whacker catches Derric's arm halfway down the hall.

Mr. Whacker-What are you doing?


Mr. Whacker-What?

Derric-Excuse me!

Derric attempts to push past him.

Mr. Whacker catches him.

Mr. Whacker-Wait, Derric...Please?

Derric-I'm wasting everyone's time here. See ya around.

This time, Derric does push past him.

Derric makes it down the hall and to the door before Mr. Whacker speaks.

Mr. Whacker- So, Derric, what are you going to do? Just give up? I never figured you for a quitter!

Derric-(Without turning around) On school, yes. On life?...On Eric?...On Lily? Not a chance in Hell!

Derric pushes open the door and walks out.

Short story by Brielle Guesstell
Read 572 times
Written on 2007-02-18 at 00:18

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