Each and every picture has a story.


A time machine
A reminder of what you've already seen,
A link to the past,
So the memory will last,
People here and gone,
A sibling, the day they dawned,
A late family member or friend,
A year before their life would end,
A better time,
Your childhood, when things only cost a dime,
Memorable vacations,
Lost relations,
Younger days,
The day you and your soul-mate first met each other's gaze,
Pets, old and new,
A glorious view,
Families that have grown apart,
The reminder of the love you still hold for them in your heart,
A thought to catch up with an old buddy,
The start of a reminiscence on how your college roommate was so nutty,
A simple picture can do lots of things,
A root of a smile, or a wound that stings,
The core of memories, lost and forgotten,
Good, bad, or just plain rotten,
Tears of joy, or sadness,
No picture is emotionless!

Poetry by Brielle Guesstell
Read 439 times
Written on 2007-02-18 at 15:47

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