A girl who, despite the odds, is sure her brother is coming home for Christmas.

The Gift

Hi! My name is Sammy and I just turned six! My birthday was last week and now Christmas is in just one week! And guess what? My big brother, Jack, is coming home for Christmas! I haven't seen him in a really, really long time because he's off fighting a war!
Right before Jack left, Mommy and Daddy talked it over for a really long time, cause they didn't want him to go, but by the time he left, they said he was an 'honorable man'.
I don't really know what that means, but apparently it's a good thing because he didn't get grounded. Jack got grounded a lot before he left to go fight a war. Mostly because of me, but he started it!
He used to steal my dolls and hang them from the ceiling fan.
I used to get real mad, because I can't reach the ceiling fan. Then, Mommy would come in and yell at him and make him take my doll down.
Which was funny, because Mommy was a lot smaller then Jack, but she could still yell at him and punish him and make him say sorry. Mommy yells loud.
But I miss Jack. My dolls don't, but I do.
I miss the way he would always take me to the movies. He would let me get the biggest, fattest tub of popcorn and then let me pick out the seats. After the movie, he would take me to go get ice cream and we would talk about our favorite parts in the movie. The last one we went to see was Finding Nemo. I liked that movie and so did Jack. I miss going to the movies with him....
But Jack is coming home for Christmas, so we can go see another movie when he comes home!
I talk to Jack on the internet and through letters and on the phone sometimes, but it's not the same. I miss the way we do stuff together and I even miss him teasing me...although he can do that on the phone and he does whenever he gets a chance.
He once sent me a picture of him in his blue suit and I thought he looked handsome, but I wouldn't dare tell him that, or he would say, "Shut up, Twirp!"
He says he means "Twirp" in a loving way, but it isn't to convincing with "Shut up" in front of it.
Anyway, Mommy and I are on our way to see Santa! I have one wish and one wish only for Christmas this year, but Mommy says I won't get it.
Mommy has also been really different this Christmas. Usually, Mommy loves Christmas time, but this year, she is sad. I asked her what was wrong, and she said something about the Christmas lights not being as bright this year and the scent of tree is not quite as strong. I don't know. It wasn't much of an answer. The lights look fine to me and the tree smells as good as it always does. I just miss Jack!

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" The jolly guy in the big red suit bursts, while placing both hands on his cute, plump belly. "Who do we have here?"
"Hi, Santa." I say as I smile and sit on his lap. "My name is Sammy."
"Well, hello there, Sammy! Have you been a good girl this year, Sammy?" He asks, smiling down at me, which makes his dimples a lot more noticeable. I learned what dimples were when Jack was reading Twas the Night Before Christmas back when I was five. Jack always read it to me right before I went to sleep on Christmas eve.
I nod. "Yes, Santa. I've tried my best." I reply.
"Well, that's great! What would you like for Christmas, Sammy?"
Finally, the question I've been waiting to be asked. "Well, the only thing
I want for Christmas this year is my big brother Jack to come home. He's fighting a war." I answer.
Santa looks a little challenged by this mission.
"It's very important!" I assure quickly.
"I know it is, Sammy, but that is also a very big gift."
"I know, but I'm sure you can do it! You're Santa! You can do anything." With that said and done, I say, "Thanks for your time. Have a Merry Christmas! Goodbye Santa!" take my free candy-cane and leave, knowing I just accomplished my mission.

It is now the night before Christmas eve and Mommy has called me into the living room. I am sitting on the couch next to Mommy and she has a serious look on her face. A globe that isn't supposed to be there sits on the coffee table in-between the couch and the tv.
"Honey..." Mommy starts as though she is not sure how to say this.
"Yes, Mommy?" I ask, looking up at her.
"You know how you have been telling me that Jack is coming home for Christmas?"
"Yup! He sure is! Are you gonna make gingerbread men? You know they're his favorite!"
"Sammy, who told you Jack is coming home for Christmas?" Mommy asks.
I shake my head. "Nobody."
"Then, what makes you so sure?"
I shrug. "He just is." I answer honestly. "Jack would never miss Christmas! I just know it!"
Mommy sighs and then says, "Here. Let me show you something." while she picks up the globe and spins it.
When she is stops the globe, she puts her finger on a tiny spot and says, "This is Iraq. This is where Jack is right now. We are all the way over here." She spins the globe again, but slower and points to America, and our tiny state of Delaware. "Baby," she looks at me with pity, "I hate to tell you this, but, Jack is not coming home for Christmas."
"Yes he is, Mommy! I made sure of it!" I answer, proud of how smart I am.
Mommy can not resist asking about my plan. "How?"
"It was actually very simple, Mommy. I asked Santa." With my plan stated, I get up and go back to wrapping the presents I got for people and forgot under my bed...I lose a lot of stuff under there.

It's Christmas eve and I have got to sleep! Mommy says Santa won't come unless I go to sleep, and I really want Santa to come this year, but I just don't want to go to sleep.
Mommy has already said goodnight to me and read me Twas The Night Before Christmas. (Jack does a better job, but I didn't tell her that! And I defiantly won't tell Jack that!)
This is when I remember that I did not say my prayers yet. I get out of bed, get on my knees. "Dear God, please let Jack have a smooth ride in Santa's sleigh. I've seen pictures and it doesn't look very comfy. Thanks."
Feeling much better, I get back in bed and quickly fall asleep.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I yell as soon as I wake up. I dash into Jack's room...He isn't there. "Maybe he's downstairs!" I run downstairs and into the living room and peer around.
I don't see Jack. He's not here...
Mommy and Daddy come down the stairs to see what's the matter and I start to cry. I hug Mommy. "Jack didn't come!" I say, through tears.
"Sammy, I told you, Jack couldn't come." She pats my head and combs my hair gently with her fingers.
Daddy sighs. "He tried his best, Sammy." He says, trying to be helpful.
"But I even asked Santa!"
"Well, sometimes not even Santa can get you what you want. I'm sorry."
"But...He's Santa! He should be able to do it! I told him about how important it was!" I say, getting interrupted a lot by sniffling. I wipe my face on the back of my hand and look up at Mommy.
"I know. I'm upset too, but Jack wouldn't want your Christmas to be ruined!" She answers.
"It isn't Christmas without Jack." I insist.
Mommy scoops me up, into her arms and sits back down on the couch. She looks as though about to say something, but doesn't.
The doorbell rings.
"Who could that be?" Mommy asks, looking at the door with a funny look on her face.
All three of us go to the door and Daddy opens it.
There is a really, really, really big package on the front porch. It's all wrapped up in green and red wrapping paper with a bow on the top of the lid. I go to the box and Mommy reads the card with surprise. She makes an even funnier face. "To the Rite family. Love always, Santa."
I am excited again because a box this big can only be one thing!
I help Mommy take off the lid and Jack hops out of the box. "Merry Christmas!" He shouts.
Mommy and Daddy are in shock, but I am just super happy. I jump up and hug him. "Jack!" I say. "I knew you wouldn't miss Christmas!"
Jack laughs and gives me a great big bear hug. "Not for the world, Twirp!"

Short story by Brielle Guesstell
Read 605 times
Written on 2007-02-18 at 16:04

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