I wrote this when a girl I admired died even before I ever talked to her. It's the title poem of my soon to be published collection. Want to know if it's worth publishing.

Beauty And The Death

Beauty, I know she was called
Though I never called
Her pretty eyes, I'm sure
Made me trip some more
Her long legs, still so straight
A solid base for her figure eight
Ever felt her shapely curves?
I dreamt I did with my gloves

A block away she lived
I never could have believed
I always prayed for the day
We two would chat away
Just when I thought I would
I learnt I never could
She laid peacefully, covered with dust
Death had done its worst

(c) 2007 Oyeleke Toye

Poetry by Leke Toye
Read 259 times
Written on 2007-02-18 at 16:51

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