Written purely on facts and the way the indians had to suffer
So that the white man could over take north america....

End of the a tribal nation

They tell of wars
Before the world fell
Ancient little tribes
That walked right
Through the flames of hell
They bribed no one
Only the stars
And the sun
And as they laid to rest their scars
They were broken by their spells...

They aimed for eternal life
Not by the barrel of their guns
But rather the blaeds of their knifes
And as they looked deep
Into their demons eyes
Their remnent blood
Flew accross the painted skies...

They say
That this peaceful nation
Fell upon it's knees
When the white man came
From accross the dead and seas
They brought
Them hunger
Along with disease
And as they starved our people
They watched us fade like weeds....

Poetry by robert
Read 239 times
Written on 2007-02-23 at 22:37

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