This is just a small part of my piece entitled 13 (an observation)


Look at who and what we are
Look at where we live and how we die
Living in a phantasmagoria
Poor misguided children
Escaping the vindictive city
New directionless outcasts
Destined for use and abuse
With the absence of parental guidance
A simple misunderstanding is all that remains
And if wisdom truly comes with age
Wisdom and pain are one in the same
Loves contribution is small
Light dies as life intensifies
Our shape becomes unnatural
As we contort beyond recognition
Who knows what we will become
Shape shifters out of control
The ancient myths were true
We were never forewarned
There was no instruction manual
No map with grids marked ready
As we entered this cold domain
The guiding light was extinguished
And the darkness became home.

Somewhere in the silent of night
A baby cries as he enters the city life
His mother cradles him in her arms
Already his fate is sealed in his heart
Life is etched into his very soul
He cries into the dawn and into eternity
Child if only there were a way
That I could enter your realm
The fantasy of naivety
The reality of simple yet perfect love
To recall this pleasure would be revelation
If only life could retain the simplicity of childhood
Before being torn apart
The child enters adulthood when pain is understood
He becomes man only when his heart is broken
Life shatters the fragility of love
Leaving the confusion of pain in its wake
No more wonderland
As the magic spell is finally broken
Ugly sexuality rears its purple head
And the sheep becomes wolf
Gnashing and wild in all his glory
The metamorphosis is complete
Again he cries but now with insanity
As the moon waxes
Its aura all encumbering

Blood surges through the veins of the living
Purged only in war and anger
Poisoned wilfully to extremes
As the cycle of abuse continues
The wolf again rears his ugly head
Throbbing with blood gorged passion
He uncontrollably jerks and howls
As all who listen turn to stone
Petrified as they recall the same horror
Buried within their own psyche
Fear now controls the nation
As animal lovers join ranks
And storm the sacred depths of intimacy
Abusing the innocence of infancy
They rejoice in meaningless collisions
That light the spark of life
And plant the dark seeds of despair
In the heart of every new born child
The agony of their past
Silently festers within their very roots
With youthful eccentricity
Fuelling its growth
And triggering its stagnant assault
As the senses become dulled
Sight begins to fade as direction is lost
White noise drowns out the reality
And hatred takes control
With its cold vice like grip

Poetry by steve saker
Read 235 times
Written on 2007-02-25 at 16:49

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