This is a short poem about the thoughts of an immigrant from India.

A Letter

I will not date this letter,
for what I want to say is timeless
And although you see me write

the real writer is time itself -
the writer who has
written our destinies, and
was in control, even
when your forefathers thought
theirs' was the finger

On the trigger. I don't know
how the reigns of a continent
were lost, and who to blame

for the shameless exploitation
in the name of civilization,
but I do not blame you.
Had those treacherous people
known of the consequences
they may have shuddered away

from their follies. And blame
is not mine for being
scattered on these isles.
The tragedy is not that
I am here, but that it was
inevitable, as sure as day

follows night.

Poetry by a s gill
Read 271 times
Written on 2007-02-25 at 22:49

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