I was too young when she was around but now I see her, and she is beautiful. A  filmstar.  www.divasthesite.com

My Lana Turner by M.A.Meddings

Oh baby 
When you loosen your hair like that 
And let the ribbon fall 
Then shake it loose 
So that it falls gently round your face 
When you  cut your eyes so softly
With that  shy come to me stare 
And crook your  finger and beckon me
Come to me my darling 
Then you my sweet one become 
My Lana Turner

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 633 times
Written on 2007-03-04 at 23:27

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betsy Firefly
Again - I say : LUCKY LADY!!

mmm, such a sexy and feminine lady she is...a beautiful text about man's sweet surrender in front of female beauty...nicely done, Michael, as always :)
Lilly xxx

Kathy Lockhart
she was a beautiful woman and an excellent actress. One movie i will never forget was Imitation of Life. It was my mother's favorite.
And, if you have a Lana Turner, she must be the happiest girl in the world because she is loved by the lastromantichero.
This is a soft and gentle poem that pulsates with romance. xxxyb