In this area of England, Essex/East Anglia many seasonal workers come to labour in the fields - here is my image of them, which I think explains all. It is written in syllabic verse to give rythm and pace to the work.

Migrant Workers

Migrant Workers

Bending and swaying
like reeds in the wind
they gather nature's
harvest from the earth

And as they go
from row to row
they sing and laugh,

"Ho Jacek!
What do you want for
ten pounds a week?
Cockroaches come free!"

The gang master
walks the line;
they dream of home,
borsht, bigos and
sweet paozki.

Emelie buckner

Poetry by Emelie Buckner
Read 240 times
Written on 2007-03-06 at 12:14

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the first two verses work i think with the syllable count and rhythm but then you abandon that rhythm for another in the later verses. ah work, it is against my religion to do that!