love.Snatched, not lost and the least forgotten.

love puppets

WE mere puppets
Played by deft hands

The play intrigued
Though the scheme was old

Puppeteer and audience
shocked as the story unfolds.

People laughed when they danced.
Their antics bold

They were together all this while
Inseperable and in love.

Then they did the untold
And took her off the sets!

He cries for no one sees beyond the plastered smile.
He smiles for no one can see how he cries.

Curtains drawn
lights turned out

Chairs array
Everyone gone

The puppet sprawled on the floor
The show is over.

Silent and lethal
A knife slashed thru the very night .

While it sobbed dark and dread
Why did they want him dead?

Thru the mask he could not see
Who? A blur.

Why? The reason dawned
this bright sunlit morning.

Birds chirped for them.
Society, humans, relations, charades!

But they dont know the blade cut
only what they thought controlled.

This puppet lives on
Beyond the invisible thread

Now a ghost he shall be
Cold as the north wind blows

Seacrhing the land for her
Scorching it as he goes

Words by Gautam
Read 316 times
Written on 2007-03-19 at 15:00

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