Words Of Meaningful Love

Starry Eyes

" Starry Eyes "

I took some bright shining stars
I stole them out of the sky
I wanted to see them daily
through your pretty eyes
This gift I gave to you
so I could see this beautiful sight
to always see your graceful beauty
through the day and night
Each day and every night
I'm holding and loving you
I just can't believe that what we share
for me has now come true
Each and every special smile
and all these happy tears
a happiness I've never ever had
in all my living years
The inner beauty through your Starry Eyes
into which I gaze
a lasting future filled with love
is clear now no longer a haze
With every single "I love You"
lets me know you care
I just can't believe that what we share
is now a lovers pair
I love you more than any word
could ever really mean
I write this poem just for you
to fill in all the between
Its beyond my dreams that I would have
someone as perfect as you
I've been so blessed with your sweet love
its perfect and its true
I pledge to love and cherish you
each night and every day
I can not think to leave your side
I'll never go away
The shining stars that I stole
was on purpose and not a mistake
I give you all within my life
its yours now for the take!!!!!

Penned By James L. McHenry

Copyright © 2007 James L. McHenry

Copyright © 2007 By Mickey Pig Knuckles

Copyright © 2007 Mickey Pig Knuckles (All rights reserved)

Copyright © 2007 HeartFelt TM

Quote: Life Is Poetry In Motion, Great Poets Reflect Emotion

Poetry by Mickey Pig Knuckles
Read 879 times
Written on 2007-03-15 at 02:39

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Starry Eyes say it all micky, the eyes cannot lie when love is in the air. Another beauty, Tai

so pure
so sweet
i loved it,thanks