A Poem Reflecting The Realities Of Our Current Society...

Blinded By Life's Light

" Blinded By Life's Light "

She was pretty but a lonely girl
her world was made so small
imagination was her only friend
there was no one else to call.

Always together they would travel
to some distant wonderful land
sitting together on the highest mountain
or building castles in the sand.

On clear nights they both would peek
through her window looking to spy
counting together so many sparkles
that would glitter up in the sky.

She has told so many stories
and pretended thay all were real
their adventures belonged to them
something special no one could steal.

Years have passed and molded her
making this girl who she became
having spent all her childhood days
playing only her imaginary game.

Its no surprise to realize now
her understanding why wrong is right
a girl who lived her life in darkness
is suddenly Blinded By Lifes Light.

You see one day when she awoke
discovering she was all grown and tall
her one and only pretend friend
will now no longer return her call.

Feeling depressed and now so lonely
from her small world she tripped and fell
out of the orphanage and upon her own
she soon became confined to a prison cell.

Sitting all alone on her concrete bunk
towards the middle of the night
her imagination tapping upon the bars
her long lost friend a welcome sight.

A single tear rolled down her cheek
glowing just like the brightest star
happy now that her friend returned
from her past that was back so far.

Imagine being human and left all alone
no one to hold you with open arms
this friend is all she knew and had in life
now she is safe from freedom's harm...

Penned By Mickey Pig Knuckles

Quote: Life Is Poetry In Motion, Great Poets Reflect Emotion...

Note: It Breaks My Heart That Even Today Some Children Are Given Life
But Never Wanted...

Poetry by Mickey Pig Knuckles
Read 802 times
Written on 2009-12-03 at 23:17

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