Lumberjack, alright?

I've lived for my eternal life

I'm searching for an answer
I'm hunting for a dream
I leave myself restless
But still I am supreme

Beyond the magic walls
A greater evil linger
But it will come at last
With the trigger beneath my finger

There are no terms for me
I just do what I've been told
Life and death doesn't matter
And my plan is bold

The beast should be sleeping
Through the winter fog
My life won't last
Because I know my log

But my name will be remembered
Because of my greatest fear
I did not wish to die alone
But I never shed a tear

Remember my eternal words
Spoken only by me
Your hate is clear as the dusk of dawn
But it's the fear that you must see

Poetry by Key
Read 572 times
Written on 2007-03-18 at 00:32

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