This is a poem from a local book I did last spring. I added several from that book to a bonus chapter in my first national release in May.
"24 Hour Seat" by Tony Hanes
24 Hour Seatby: Tony Hanes
Waiting for a Brighter Day
I pray
To the God of life to grant me
Peace and Grace
I paced through the walkways of life
Attempting to see that gleam of light
That allows warmer evenings and nights
Sun rays of laughter and joy
Allow my family an abundance of years
With less tears
No cries
So when it's time to say good-bye
My head can nod with content
Waiting for a Brighter Day
Poetry by Anthony Chavon Hanes
Read 1434 times
Written on 2007-03-18 at 02:32
Tags Family  God  Life