There are some that don't believe.

Ode to the World

Ode to the world
By Herb Hedeen 1/07

Away in a manger
No crib for a bed The man with a probe
Stuck it right through his head.
Many people objected when they hauled him to jail,
But they marched through the streets to no avail.

Mary had a little lamb
When they came to visit her, she really wasn't there.
For all the stories told of her
She wasn't anywhere.

They say her baby was a fake.
He neither lived nor died
You should pray for Jesus sake,
Good lord, you know I've tried.

Poetry by Herb Hedeen
Read 285 times
Written on 2007-03-18 at 21:34

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There are some that don't believe, and here is one of them :)
Welcome on the Bay!