A Love Poem

Seventy Summers

Seventy Summers

This summer, you crossed continents
to drink whisky on Western sands

one more time

I smile as if greeting a stranger

those other summers?
I heard, you had children
the children grew up, you grew old

you don't know how I spent my summers,

or cared to know then or need to know now

except this summer, I played a blinder
Sophisticated Lady, Woman of the World

turning to leave. Stopped.
By blue-green ocean eyes
hair whiter than the foam on the waves
a face beaten into submission by age
and the Australian sun,

I won't be wrecked on the rocks by your light

Like the tide, that does not turn, I walk on but
you don't know
how my heart is singing -

or need to know.

Poetry by Rena McCall
Read 211 times
Written on 2007-03-19 at 19:33

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