A poem about a pigeon which tried hard to built a nest, but time after time, her nests, in a particular place, fell down and finally she deserted the place.

Birchgrove Pigeon

- Pigeon -

Today the place has changed,
Birchgrove pigeon is no longer in it,
it seems it abdicated it
after a long patience,
for the search of a new home,
could hold a nest
could embrace a dignity

- Roof -

The roof of the footbath
It exudes breezes of history
However, its obsolete timbers
have a strange mood,
it enjoys the copulation of a pigeon
with her lover,
while denying her right to

- Straws -

it lumbered all the straws
of the streets,
straw by straw,
but the empty ego of the timbers
has dropped the adobes
of the nest,
adobe by adobe.
It repeatedly defeated
the engineering of the little bill

- Love -

I will miss your feminine cooing
the prelude of coitus.
It will abandon
the footbath roof
its finest idyllic painting,
when you are
compressed lustfully
underneath your male,
combing with his beak
the fluffs of Your voluntarily
surrendered neck.
It will disappear from me
your morning gratification tremble

- Consolation -

Never mind
with your departure
also, tragic scenes
will depart.
The juices of your noble love,
the projects of your fledglings,
this became the immolations
of their comminuted white shells,
yellow blood flowing
on the side of the pier
until the drought.
your circle navy blue eyes,
observing from above their tears –
your dried nestlings at the basement -
bewildered before the details
of the tragic painting

- Infidelity -

you became ungrateful for the breadcrumbs,
the chips scraps,
the sesame of the sweets
and all of other shop customers' residues
you ingrate sustenance for a life
you dropped your last excrements
on legacy does not fit a future...
To preserve a heritage saturated
with the music of chicks...

-... -

my inherent pigeon
Written in Arabic in Sydney,1997, translated by the poet.
P.S. As poems loose alot of their essence and technique, when translated to other languages - particularly rhyme and rhythm - members with English as their first language are welcome to edit or paraphrase any of my poems. Names of editors will be acknowledged where ever the edited poem published. With many thanks

Habib Fares

Poetry by Habib Fares
Read 218 times
Written on 2007-03-21 at 02:28

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