A poem describing the feelings of the poet when his being reach the climax of its clearness.


Those moments
Scare me

When the water of my being
Reach the climax of its clearness

When its birds shine
I perceive that it would be just moments

Will pass
Just after moments

It is like a spring water cavity
Does not bear a sip

Like fragments of crystal
Bending the threads of the sun

Like midday's rays
Exposing the molecular of the dust

There they are!
They have just gone

The ink has turned back to ink
The poems tainted.

Written in Arabic in Sydney,1997. Translated by the poet.
P.S. As poems loose alot of their essence and technique, when translated to other languages - particularly rhyme and rhythm - members with English as their first language are welcome to edit or paraphrase any of my poems. Names of editors will be acknowledged where ever the edited poem published. With many thanks.

Habib Fares

Poetry by Habib Fares
Read 219 times
Written on 2007-03-21 at 02:39

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