I wrote it for my X-Boyfriend


So much memories, I need to bury them.
So much hope, I have to loose it.
So much love, I don`t want to need it anymore.
So much hate, that is ok.
So much of you in me, I have to forget you.

But if I bury the memories,
If I loose my hope,
If i don`t need your love,
If it`s ok to hate,
And if i forget who you are,
then it won`t be much of me left.

It will just be a fading memory of you,
A hope that blows out the light,
Love that can never be found again,
Hate that will come back when things are great.

But with you inside of me, I will feel this forever.
I`ll keep my memories,
Have hope that you`ll come back to me,
Love you for the rest of my life,
And never hate again.
Cause thats what I learned from you

Poetry by Chrazy87
Read 256 times
Written on 2007-03-21 at 22:22

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A very sad poem, but welcome to poetbay.
There is no profile up for you, but I guess you are quite young, am I right or wrong?
I know very well the emotions that you described so well, but I am now almost 60 years old, and those feelings now are just like a fragrant flower in my memory, no pain at all. It WILL pass. The pain that never passes is the loss of a parent, sibling or child. I assume that you were writing of a lover........looking forward to reading more of your work. Regards, Normalil.