opinion on the Australian Prime Minister, John Howard.


(Written in Arabic, the name Howard
can also read, as "he is ... a monkey")
He is ...
... a monkey
in the full sense of the word,
in that sense, we are all monkeys.
Some of us tamed,
over the years,
while the others remained as they were.

The tragedy of those monkeys
who were not tamed
that they deserve pity,
but most of all,
they deserve taming.

Written in Arabic in Sydney,20/11/ 1997 and translated by the poet.
P.S. As poems loose alot of their essence and technique, when translated to other languages - particularly rhyme and rhythm - members with English as their first language are welcome to edit or paraphrase any of my poems. Names of editors will be acknowledged where ever the edited poem published. With many thanks.

Habib Fares

Poetry by Habib Fares
Read 260 times
Written on 2007-03-22 at 18:15

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An interestisng fact on the name Howard, my hubby was called Howard and he was full of tricks, just like a monkey, very mischievious, but friendly with it. Not sure about Aussy J Howard but I am sure the cap will fit. Thanks for the smile, Tai