
For Emos And Goths

I curse this dark and forlorn night
As my desperate soul roams to fight
With broken wings, I fly
To witness a devil's sigh

Adjutant rule over unfair tyrannies
Never vital than insignificant miscellanies
Cast a shadow on my shattered dreams
To eliminate anxiety and wicked screams

You shout for the cause of pain
As drops of blood pour out of your vein
Dreaming of unending providence
In this world full of negligence

An abundant share of second tries
And consistent failed attempts to fly
Brought you in a state of lethargy
Already jaded with your own heraldry

Slowly moments turn into days
Faded letters start to erase
You dream of blind acceptance
Why not take your stance?

Poetry by reji
Read 454 times
Written on 2007-03-23 at 03:09

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