hmmm... not sure i like this one... has it's moments

being here

and i kept on being here
i'm sad and alone
and i'm thinking about nothing
i just see the water dripping from my hair
touched my bare leg
i give people what they need
not what i feel
the angel comes out to comfort us all
and she tells me she thinks i'm beautiful
the cracked stained glass of my soul
is a hard filter of the light within me
i cry because i want to
because it makes me feel better
i cry because i AM sadness
and i've never felt anything else
all the reasons melt away
i'm left wondering what i hold
i see my profile
she is scared and confused
but you always look lost
like you don't belong
and i probably don't
i don't think i should be here
this world is not for me
but i kept on...
being here.

Poetry by zovjraar
Read 621 times
Written on 2005-06-22 at 22:41

Tags Sadness 

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chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
a good piece showing sorrow as it rips at our hearts.