The Photograph

If I could capture my life
in a simple flat photograph,
amongst the crazy haze
of a black and white
mess of emotions,
would be the single red rose
that is you.

A spectacular beauty,
so three dimensional
in its deep velvet splendour,
that I could feel its caress
and breathe the fragrance
of its truth.

And should this rose be plucked
from my monochrome world,
I would dissolve into
white hollow space
and cease,
to exist.

Poetry by sarajaneUK
Read 359 times
Written on 2007-03-24 at 23:23

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so nice to see you welcomed into the site with open arms by the people of this site eh lol :)

i like the photographic imagery here and the rose - i have a red rose tattooed on my hand and some photographic imagery of that with a poem to go with it, done ages ago. good contrast too with flat then three dimensional. love and flowers, they go together well. a good poem.

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5