A history about my love life.!

It's most about the girls who's been whit me..

All the time. We spent!

It all begain whit I had a problem at school and then did begin at a spesial class. Here i meet a girl who was named Kine. We found a our self..

I was togeter whit her a very long time (about a half year)! It was wonderful, Intil her begain to not trust me anymore. Then we figthed allday long.. Then i quited it all.. Then i meet a girl called Malin who i was togeter 1day only.. but it was something whit her that's why i staid inlove whit here.. Just 3days after that her meet a boy called alex.
Then i thogth that her where lost.. So i started to talk whit a girl called
Kristine.. But her wasn't a love persion so we stayd singel both, And after 4weeks Malin and Alex broke up!

This is now.. I love Malin now and thats wonderful. I am not togeter whit her but it's okey the way it is now!

Tnx 4 reading my text..

I am from norway.. Sorry about my english!

Short story by Simen, Cobraz!
Read 427 times
Written on 2005-11-10 at 10:07

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