Sing to the World

My heartbeats is the rhythm to the song in my soul
A melody God chose for me to sing to the world
And I pray that my pearls be cast upon good ground
to bring increase to the drought of the land
And while I can't identify with every thread of struggle
I know pain
and the tragedies of this life that can sometimes seem
to weigh the same
as the blessings
but that's just delusional perception
And I must be cafeful not to confuse faith
with blind perception
But set my affection on things that'll last
not to be consumed with the things that shall pass
Cause I believe that the life I now share
Shall determine the life that I'll eternally bear
So I charge you to discover you fully in God
through Christ giving Him your heart
And He'll put that song in your soul
The melody God chose for you to sing to the world
As I pray that your pearls be cast upon good ground
to bring increase to the drought of the land

Poetry by aliyah-marie
Read 247 times
Written on 2007-03-27 at 17:17

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