Picture from http://www.plig.net/things/pictures/sun.

96 Million

96 Million people deny all their days
All over the planet, in 96 million kinds of ways
That there are 96 million trees and things
That cast 96 million shadows
And each those 96 million shadows
Prove something 96 million times again

That 96 million miles away
A ball of flame 96 miles great
Screaming light 96 million times what we could create
With 96 million essential uses
For our 96 million tasks we do a day
Is not any of the 96 million parts of Earth

But a 96 million miles away nightlight
To protect us from our 96 million fears
To serve us in our 96 million needs
To feed us with 96 million kinds of food
To dawn 96 million mornings
To set 96 million evenings
To hide 96 million nights

To inspire us in 96 million ways

And to rise just one more time.

Poetry by weirdzarun
Read 620 times
Written on 2007-03-30 at 02:28

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