Sweet Sandy Sorrow

Oh Sweet Sandy Sorrow
Where have you left me?
Must I find a road by myself?
Must I spend every ounce of my wealth?

Oh Sweet Sandy Sorrow
Must I choose my own path?
Must I use the tools I have found?
As they lay here red rust on the ground?

You gave me a snow shovel
To help me move on
Oh Sweet Sandy Sorrow
In the desert, I'm alone
With an old snow shovel
I must shovel my way home

Poetry by weirdzarun
Read 1516 times
Written on 2007-03-30 at 07:42

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It`s easy feeling lost in life..... Think you describe that feeling with excellency here.
Wow! This is just a very good example of true talented writing.
Bookmarked for sure!

...so many times we find ourselves shovleing our way home all alone... and I guess there is some sense in all that.. but it sure dosen't feel like it at the time...

your poem tells of these times excelently... and with a sense of humour... that is sure needed as we shovel...

best wishes