About exreriences and identity


He tried to imagine himself:
wandering in broad daylight,
amongst the crowd of thousands,
at one of the main streets of down town,
or in the corridors of one of the Westfield markets;
in one of his feet wearing a rubber boot,
as a reminder of the winter's frost of his country of origin;
and in the other a sole Italian shoe,
that restores the memories of his earlier beautiful festival (eids) :
above them a pair of Khaki shorts,
to bring back his teenaged Scout;
then an ironed white shirt with a "civilized" tie hanging from it,
reminding him of his handsome and pride youth;
above his eyes fashionable sunglasses,
to attract the attention of young girls;
and a traditional Ausie hat on his head,
to confirm his new identity;
he would be satisfied with his internal appearance,
and he would be in harmony with himself;
however, he suddenly recalls:
imagination is prohibited,
as others will feel the spectacle of the idiot:
Thus says customs!

Written in Arabic in Sydney,2006. Translated by the poet.
P.S. As poems loose alot of their essence and technique, when translated to other languages - particularly rhyme and rhythm - members with English as their first language are welcome to edit or paraphrase any of my poems. Names of editors will be acknowledged where ever the edited poem published. With many thanks.

Habib Fares

Poetry by Habib Fares
Read 248 times
Written on 2007-03-30 at 20:55

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