How many people do we know who are beautiful jewels such as this Little Pearl?

Little Pearl

Where did you come from, Little Pearl?
All alone, precious perfect pearl,
nestled here with such lovely sheen...

Where are your matching sisters, dear...
Were you together on a faulty string?
So lonely now, what will you do?

I wish that I might rescue you
and show your beauty to the world!
I'll have you set inside a ring!

Your elegance will sweetly shine!
I'm glad, dear one, that you are mine!

Poetry by Lavender
Read 993 times
Written on 2007-04-05 at 17:02

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M Heathcote
How many people do we know who are beautiful jewels such as this Little Pearl?

But what good are these pearls
Like strumpet strung girls
If they're woven together for swine
Then who would ever really shine
Or construct a poem so fine
As you your self intertwine—divine!

Kathy Lockhart
this left me with an awwwwwwwww. Sweet, soft, gentle poem left me with a tender feeling and a smile.

gentle thoughts, expressed in a gentle way!

Oh, this is so sweet!
Just beautiful, flowing
and filled with love and emotion! :)

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
this delightful and tiny jewl of a poem is just you regds mike

Rob Graber
Rescuing the lone pearl by setting it in a ring... What a sweetheart you really are! :-,?

Yeah, they are precious.....
Funny, I usually call my youngest daughter for Little Pearl...
Every pearl is unique and so are yours and therefor you should be happy that just that one is yours.
Lovely poem, surely brought me a smile. :)

ah yes, many who come close to us we find are little pearls or diamonds that sparkle their beauty into our lives and bless it with their love :)

lovely text