A poem extolling the creative and analytical mindset of poets.

Social Crusaders

The 'Muse' rides on the waves of tranquility
And resides in the silent tides
Of the sea of emotion
Strengthening and directing voyagers aboard the ship of creativity.

I know those that the 'Muse' knows,
They are those who can speak to the trees and interpret
The language of the wind.
Those who can see the face of God through the trees in the forest.

Those the 'Muse' knows Live with the forces of imagination
They make a feast of words
From every happenstance
Speak in languages of twisted tongues
And make the world go round.

Truly, the 'Muse' knows His own
He stays with His own ,
Those the 'Muse' knows
Are not hypocrites
Swimming in the waters of mediocrity
Not blackmailers
On the bandwagon of 'criticism'.

They are the initiates
Of the cults of reasoning and creativity.
They are the cultural ambassadors And social crusaders
They make things happen.

Poetry by Chris Akpan
Read 267 times
Written on 2007-04-09 at 21:06

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