New Year's Eve: Driving down from Delhi... Dreams, desires, fantasies intermingle conjuring up images in the fog...


Thick fog
Silent night
Moon is shining bright,

You and I on a high
Road to eternity.

Time is lost in the mist,
Cradled, rocked to sleep.

The mist gently casts a spell on us
in its wake and
We get the feeling of
Being suspended in Time and Space
By Moonbeam bathed.

You're silent
I do not speak a word.
Silence reigns between us,
Heartbeats hear each other,
Breaths, whispers intermingle.
I close my eyes, I hold my breath,
I feel you with my soul,
Magic is held between us...

Dewdrops condense
The windscreen sweats
Lips are sealed
Silence speaks,
hearts communicate
Time is Mesmerized:
Moments stretch into Eternity
Our souls compose a Nocturne.

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Note: Poetic Trancreation of my Urdu poem "Kohre ki Chadar"; Alas most of it is lost in translation.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 2521 times
Written on 2005-11-15 at 04:35

Tags Romance 

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Rex Panthera
intriguing. though I must say that our nightly experiences differs greatly. have you gotten your poetry published?

Mikael Lövkvist
Wow. You capture these moments so delicately. The sights, the feelings, and the atmosphere, all becomes vivid and palpable.
2007-03-18 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
ok, my first attempt... the long overdue translation of this wonderful poem of yours into french... i'll do my best to stay true to the feelings of your expression, by how i interpret... hopefully i'm not way off course in my interpretations... but like i said... first attempt... so here goes...

Thick fog
Silent night
Moon is shining bright,

Une brume épaisse
La nuit est silencieuse
Et la lune brille de milles feux,

You and I on a high
Road to eternity.

Nous nous trouvons tous deux
Sur la grande route de l'éternité.

Time is lost in the mist,
Cradled, rocked to sleep.

Les minutes sont perdues dans la bruine,
Elle, qui les bercent jusqu'à leur sommeil.

The mist gently casts a spell on us
in its wake and
We get the feeling of
Being suspended in Time and Space
By Moonbeam bathed.

Un sort nous est doucement jeté
Au moment que la bruine s'éveille,
Et nous avons la sensation
D'être suspendus dans le Temps et l'Espace
Sous les rayons de la lune qui nous submerge.

You're silent
I do not speak a word.
Silence reigns between us,
Heartbeats hear each other,
Breaths, whispers intermingle.
I close my eyes, I hold my breath,
I feel you with my soul,
Magic is held between us...

Le silence te trouve
Je ne prononce aucun mot.
Le silence est notre hôte,
Les battements des coeurs s'entendent entre eux,
Des soupirs, des chuchotements s'intermêlent.
Je ferme les yeux, je retiens mon souffle,
Je te ressens dans l'âme,
La magie qui règne entre nous...

Dewdrops condense
The windscreen sweats
Lips are sealed
Silence speaks,
hearts communicate
Time is Mesmerized:
Moments stretch into Eternity
Our souls compose a Nocturne.

Les gouttelettes de rosée se condensent
Le paravent transpire
Les lèvres sont closes
C'est le silence qui parle
Les coeurs s'embrassent
Le temps se fige, émerveillé:
Tous les moments s'étirent jusqu'à l'Éternité
Où nos âmes composent la plus belle des Nocturnes.

2007 02 14 23H09 EST Nocturne by Zoya Zaidi (translation) - as promised a long time ago... hope you like... *hug* xx

Rob Taylor
you have a way with words that strikes deep into the human heart. I love every word that you write

How I do love musical endings to perfect imagery.

a wonderful composition of words truly creates the fog in this poem and breathes a very heartfelt feeling of life and heartbeats into it
and the way this fog has stopped the time in a perfect moment really does show its outmost beauty!

Amanda K
a great unity in structure and theme.

kind regards,

Zoya Zaidi
My God Almaz, this comment is in it self a poem. You have surpassed yourself in commenting on this poem of mine. I am speechless. This is so, so very beautiful a comment.
(((Big fond hugs to you))))

Zoya, this is absolutely beautiful..You've really painted silence with all its colours.. I can taste the fog, feel the silence, hear the thoughts inside of if they were mine.. as if it was me feeling this..

Its like an artmovie, with very distinct sounds, and these different shapes of water almost touching slowmotion..

Its like you've taken total control over time, through the length of this poem.. mending it as you wished..piercing time with these words..
... spreading this still bubble of silence through all minds who feel it..

Lovely and very inspiring :)) Thank u.

Time is Mesmerized:
Moments stretch into Eternity
Our souls compose a Nocturn.

Truly wonderful, Zoya.
Love, Richard

Emelén The PoetBay support member heart!
I close my eyes, I hold my breath,
I feel you with my soul,
Magic is held between us...

this poem is a movie .. You explained with words that unexplainable emotion only felt and sometimes seen ,, now it has a voice but even that voice you make so soft, almost painting this silence. A wonderous poem. You are truly gifted .

Ron. S. King
the love which needs no words is a love of a thousand years, for it takes that age to understand the words of love...You, my Poetic Queen, understand the language of love, as so well expressed within this write...Ron.

I love your descriptions! Its an enchanting poem. A true work of art (or in some cases poetry).

Rune Ljungberg
To my liking very much so Zoya, I would say great poetry.

i struggle to really read poems,i mean i do read them but i sometimes struggle to really understand and i truly understand this one,i mean i can nearly feel the fog and hear the silence,its just like 'wow'.

love angel.

Malin Johansson
I have just one word, GREAT!!!

(( hugs ))

Wow!Im inspired,mesmerised...I am just recovering from the feeling of being lost in a world of two...with souls one...

Wow!Im inspired,mesmerised...I am just recovering from the feeling of being lost in a world of two...with souls one...

This is a wonderful composition. Translations of poems are difficult, I know. like the theme of the poem a lot, it is very mystical.

A wonderful nocturne indeed.

I too, love moments like this, when the settings of our surroundings evoke those silent magical feelings in us. And the thick fog together with the bright moon is slightly surrealistic and brings an extra dimension! Very well written!

peaceful love with something dark over, as a veil... Very nice, a little mysteriuos and quiet...

Now that is what I call love at its most purest, sincere,heart-throbbing,sensual and yet beautiful form of expressing the essence of "love" in poetry! You're truly gifted. Thanks...this one is for keeps.

I can almost feel the moisture in the air, what a lovely poem!

Moments stretch to eternity: Simply wonderful.

Ah I whish I could speak Urdu, to hear this beautiful piece in its original setting.
Lost in the translation sounds like a poem in itself.

Black Knight
Someone tells by the paints,
Someone tells by the chords,
But I know - never will faint
The art to tell by the words.

I hope you agree with me, my dear artist of the words...

Zoya-atmosphere at its best!
and i love the poem's not ending in a definite way - it seems to continue beyond the "..." like a spaceship exploring outer space...

This was a beautiful, mysterious piece!

Most enjoyed the piece

Dewdrops condense
Windscreen sweats
Lips are sealed
Silence speaks,
Hearts communicate...

Beauty concentrated
in the dewdrops condensed.


Well done zoya, you have captured that feeling of time suspended, which i think most people feel while trapped in fog, the isolation of it is intriguing.

John Ashleigh
What a feeling! - you really told us how you felt driving down that dead hill carrying mist and fog.

A magical feeling of being suspended - deffinetly a good use of emotion...

(((hugs))) 5!